Thursday, January 8, 2015


With dark matter equalling ashes, we walk along. Our heart takes us to our place of resource and we reside there until nightfall. Ashes on the ground is ashes in your heart, the smouldering of which God has to observe as the ashes take you to the heat of dark matter and the creation of the world. The darkness of matter takes you to the dark place in your heart. This place in our heart takes us to starlight and the night sky above is to be observed. The stars God wants you to see in your heart takes you to him as the access is by starlight and by love. When God needs you to take yourself to the dark matter and the darkest place in your heart, it is because he needs you to find yourself there and follow your pathway to your dreams. The darkest recess of the heart has the star to follow and ask God for directions when you have lost your way. Take yourself to your spirit's favourite place where God calls you to go to find him and rest there awhile. The forest of your imaginings takes you elsewhere until you are taken to dark matter on the ground. This darkened place takes you to the dark matter of the soil and there you find your ashes but these ashes of the heart are not to be observed only noticed. The ashes on the ground take us to starlight. God knows we love him for he is in love. Stars take us to Heaven.