Friday, July 31, 2020

One infinity

Nicole Page-Smith

One infinity

Maybe it is possible to say other planets may have a history to be revealed under layers of accumulated dust but this is probably not the case because only certain planets attract gravity. Gravity would only be available in a formation of the universe in certain parts of the universe. Planets would still be forming but at a slower rate. So, then if we think about the expansion of matter and the light, we need to obtain we will only think. Thinking about the light of matter is in denial of reflection and will take you to the infinite, the infinite of possibility can only equal one. One. There is only one infinity.

Thursday, July 30, 2020

An expansion of the universe

Nicole Page-Smith

An expansion of the universe

Planets are formed like humans. The universe more or less makes love to itself to produce planets. Matter is the light. We are only in existence because of light. Matter expands like we do as humans as the result of gravity. Gravity accumulated matter and almost collects matter like dust. Why we exist in an expansion is because of the result of matter. The Earth is still being formed and you would imagine this is why the Earth circulates the Sun and spins. We only exist as an expansion of the universe.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

The history of matter

Nicole Page-Smith

The history of matter

There is light. Light is matter. Matter expands and so does light. We may be in doubt about the reflection of dark matter but not in reflection of the light. You have to imagine the universe does go on for infinity and is reflected in infinity. The infinite reflection of god is a chemical recreation. We do understand how we are created but how the universe is created seems to fail us. God gave us ourselves as an example of the universe and its infinity. We are created and have been reproducing for at least eighty thousand years to create the human being and this is a concept of infinity. We only have a concept. Conceptually time does not exist and neither does time exist as we know it to exist for time equals god. The history of matter. 


Saturday, July 25, 2020

Earth orbits the Sun

Nicole Page-Smith

Earth orbits the Sun

The reflection of the heavens takes us further. The distance between the Earth and the Sun equals the stars, but when it equals the moon and the planets we are talking about the realms of heaven. The heavenly light and a light awaiting us. We are light. The expansion of light allows you to grow into the heavens. Matter expands and so do we. We are light in its expansion. Becoming the Sun is our way forward and like the Earth travelling around the sun we travel towards the Sun. The sun is our light. Your life its birth, journey and death are always going towards the sun, the light like a plant growing. Growth is an expansion. The journey towards light is a reflection of the heavens. As clouds prepare us for a rainy day so does the light prepare us for our journey, forward. We seek the sun. Light. Spinning on its axis Earth orbits the Sun.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Light is reflected

Nicole Page-Smith

Light is reflected

We do not see the light. Darkness. Darkness and light. The very light we need to know exists in the Sun. Light plays an important role in clouds as they reflect light. Darkened, grey, days would express more of an understanding of light, in the darkness of contrast of light and dark. The time it takes for an evolution of the Sun, the Earth has experienced the darkest part of the universe and taken it back into the light but although a year has elapsed on Earth, a year has not elapsed in the universe. Dragging a comprehension of light out of the universe is similar to trying to understand the light of god in the clouds. The clouds equal our light, the light of god and the light we need for life. We are light for god for we live. We know life but out of a knowledge of light other life in the universe is possibly out of our knowing. The form knowledge takes then is a light. Our knowledge is infinite but stops us short. The infinite expansion of the universe is in every cloud and all light. Light is reflected. 

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

The sun

Nicole Page-Smith

The sun

The light of the universe is therefore, time but time in an expansion. The light of god is not a light we have ever known in general terms of light and the physics of light. The light of the universe is not a light known. The light we experience as life includes all the elements of life. The light switch in your home can create an illumination. We are in darkness without the light of the Lord, above. However, light is momentary and existed at the beginning of the universe. Matter is the sticking point for want of a better description. Matter expands only to contract. The light of matter is all we consist of but not in a lightness. You could be in the dark in contemplating light but matter will expand all around the idea, this is god and we have no choice not to be god. God loves you and is you, if you believe in god or not. You may find the expansion of and understanding of light is similar. We do not know the light for we have not seen it yet but are not made to tolerate light. We do not see the sun.

Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Nicole Page-Smith


We are an example of the expansion of the universe and this is a light, the light of matter. Matter expands. We have an understanding of time. Time tends to expand so we have a history. We know history as an expansion of time but not an expansion of the universe. The history of the expansion of the universe fails us as the expansion is not something we know. However, the expansion of the universe happened instantly almost denying history but including the universe. Matter has light and continues to expand as we do as human beings. Expanding humans lose time.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The light of the heart

Nicole Page-Smith 

The light of the heart

The expansion of matter is something we know in our heart for the light. Light created human beings like the universe. The light of god is the way we face, we face the light of god. The light source is god. We only know about the expansion of the universe as we are built in a similar way. We expand in every way. We are expanding mentally by knowing and we are also expanding physically. Physically and in knowledge we expand like the universe but there is a unique difference we are individual. Unfortunately, human beings are the only life form in our physical and known universe. The light of the heart.


Nicole Page-Smith


We enter a divine substance and thinking we are the heavens go mystically to god. The journey to the source of light has the matter of the clouds and is taken further. Heaven is a source of light but do we know heaven on Earth in the clouds? Is heaven a sunny day? Light is our very matter and delicate. We encourage matter. Matter and light are the source of all life. Without light we are like plants and die. Light is our life.

Thursday, July 2, 2020

Birds fly a flight

Nicole Page-Smith

Birds fly a flight

The cathedral is another issue. Built with the structure of stone, cathedrals reach the peak and an inner resemblance of god. You are taken up the elongated windows and elevated beyond the altar and through the heavens to god. The heavens are the sky and cover us like the church roof. Painted ceilings and architecture, mosaics and the ceiling, inner courtyards of sculpture, Jesus and the Virgin, churches. We think of god.

We think of nigh. Thinking we are, we are one. One God.

One and forever, we are. We are one for god. The cathedral is one with the Lord and like trees grow, branches grow with your faith. Your faith expands with the church as an expansion of the spirit. Your eyes go up the doorjamb, the outside of the church is to communicate the growth of the spirit. Birds fly up with the pigeons and nest in the eves. Internal lining of churches then tends your eyes down to the church pew, through the filtered light down through stained glass hitting surfaces with the prism we understand as light. Hues of light we understand as god gives the interior of churches a glow but the cathedral, the ceiling. The expansion of the spirit is god.

Flying up with the pigeons we feather our nest and flutter down with the feathers. Feathers line corners of your mind with angelic worth and a simulation of the corner of the room, the cathedral. Churches, flying and angels can include themselves and feather your way but the need is up with the birds, flying off with ascension like the dove. A white feathery need is for birds. Birds of the feather.

Ascension and the birds are our need. The growth of trees is of the need of angels. Birds fly away but come back to nest each spring. The faith of a church is the very architecture.

Churches and architecture. Gothic architecture, towers. Stretching past the darkened foreboding climate and a very dark time in history, illumination was needed. God.

God is the church. God is faithful to you but when you are nigh you are one, one with the church and like a bird soar with ascension. Flying and flying with the spirit, churches. Churches take you to the clouds in your imagining. We are born, we are born of faith, faith for god. We keep expanding our spiritual need with the church. Churches and spiritual needs have not always seen eye to eye but god has our eyes and our need. Our need is faithful to god. Religions change and almost come and go but a spiritual need continues. Churches, their need and their faith or religion is the eyes and the eyes forward, eyes of god. We are like churches and can be built. A spiritual need can be worked on but can also simply grow of its own need like the soul, the spirit of man is god. If we think of man and god, we think of Jesus. Jesus is the heart of man and the ventricles of the heart are his churchyard. We are Jesus, we are the blood. The blood of man is the blood of Christ. We are one blood with god. We are man and human, we have eyes and we see, we see god. Angels.

Angels fly unseen to human eyes for they are angels. Birds are like angels and fly. Flying birds, frequent trees, fly through the trees and live, there. Birds and angels. God has a hierarchy of angels and they are like messengers for god, not human, they communicate ideas. Ideas for god are angelic and are part of god. God, the angel and ideas are human, too, we are their human part. Although, angels are part of the divine or god, they also occasionally are sent by god to communicate to human beings. Maybe when angels are sent to you, the Lord should be considered. The light of the world is needed.

The painting of angels has a past. Sculptures of angels are often associated with the church and religion. Gothic figures tower in a form of lengthened doorjambs, angels and churches are synonymous with god. God and angels. The past of angels has a present and this is god. God flies up with the angels and down with the birds on a daily basis, birds tend to sing. Singing in the trees in the morning birds awaken your day.

The day of the new morn is the day of one. One morn. One morn is one day and a day in the morn. Morning is the time for angels and angels do sing, they sing to the Lord. Singing they go to god. The angel of a new day is your new day. You cannot see angels but beware they cannot see you. Birds sing. When the birds sing it is a new day. Trees grow but grow secretly without us really knowing and the birds sing. Singing to the Lord above the birds do notice trees growing, losing their leaves and the Spring. New buds.

The birds do sing. Singing. Singing in the trees, birds. A Paradise is the birds. Birds fly but when birds fly, oh the birds. Flying out of the trees, the birds soar, into the clouds like the top of the cathedral. Cathedrals climb. Climbing up to the heavens they reach the clouds. Clouds, climbing. Architecture, being placed up with the brickwork, reaching up with every brick, soaring through the clouds. We reach, we reach the clouds and flying with the birds go beyond. Beyond clouds. Beyond the clouds is god, climbing, flying. We are birds and hear them in the trees. Them, them is they and hear, those that hear are they, they hear. Hearing birds, you sing. Singing and hearing you are one with the birds and fly. Flying you are, you are bird.

Birds fly a flight, flying they are for...


Nicole Page-Smith

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The church and its steeple

Nicole Page-Smith

The church and its steeple

In vast cavernous spaces, where cathedrals seek god, there is light. The light of god. Skies have light and the sun. Peering through light and behind the clouds, god finds you walking. God will find you. Finding god is a mission in his lightness and likeness of god. Trees, feathers and leaves, feather your nest, in hollows of trees. Birds.

You could imagine birds nesting in abandoned buildings or churches, flying with ascension wings to god, churches flying with the birds.

Flying buttresses and architecture. 


Birds flying and filling churches with ascension. God. Birds and churches, fluttering and angels. Churches full of birds. Abandoned churches and god. Angels and angels's wings, flutter to the ceiling. Birds frequenting eves. Everyone abandoned, lost faith, non-believers, wanders and vagrants, all gone. The faithless left long ago for the birds to take over and they sing in the trees.

God and the faithful.

Faithful churches fly with birds flying all around them, in the trees. Trees. Trees and nature. When birds fly through the church, you know you have seen an angel. Churches and god.

Open churches and their architecture take you soaring through the ceiling, up stained glass, windows and out to the light outside. You would wonder about light and how it shines, the interior of a church could reflect the light of god, an internal light and the spirit. The architecture and out flying with the buttresses, we continue to the elongation.

The church and its steeple.
