Friday, July 28, 2023

We are like outer space

Nicole Page-Smith photographs and writing

We are like outer space

Ageing, gravity pulls us to the Earth with the weight of mortality. You feel you are born to crawl on all fours only to rise up to be a human being and mortality drags you to the ground. In age, hunched over and shrinking, we succumb to the pull of gravity. The heaviness of our mortality has us melt back down into the substance of matter. Our spirit matter amalgamates with the clouds and drifts off with the wind. The clouds seem to describe the very nature of our mortality by raining and saturating the Earth. Moving through our life we are faced with the short time here on Earth but mortality is not a burden only our human understanding. The spirit drifts with the body as though only for a moment like the clouds to disappear and become air. Death is not final though for we become the heavens with the immortality of the soul. To move toward our final human goal of a merging with the heavens is as though to breathe air. Clouds drift only to disappear.

Time does not exist in space. The void of time. Spacetime may warp all notions of time but is the void of space not time. Lightyears fly on by to an infinity of newborn stars born out of an infinity. Clouds are like a memory of space, the atmosphere, the rain and soaking up rivers, the sea or streams, all water vapours on the ground, water rises to become clouds. Clouds, a nebula and all the gases surrounding stars to help in the formation of stars is like Earth and its formation of earth. We spin on an axis only to gather matter. Human beings are like an example of how matter accumulates. We are like outer space.


Friday, July 21, 2023

We move forward only to age

Nicole Page-Smith photographs and writing

We move forward only to age

We are a mortality for God and although we are informed mystically by God as to who we are we are born as a star out of an accumulation of interstellar material filtered down from the heavens with every generation. The stars like Earth spin to accumulate matter and our inner light is not only the light of God or God but all the motions of the body cause light with gravity. We are born out of an infinity like the stars so the possibility of what you look like is as infinite as the stars themselves. Our mortality.

Mortal beings tend to have a mortal soul. Our mortality is our God part or we die a mortal death. We are only to know our life and the stars inform your heart as though time was in the reversal of being. We know of a history of mankind only to know the future of the planet. The planet Earth appears attracted to stellular activity and the pathway the planet Earth is on attracts asteroids and meteorites towards Earth. The destruction of Earth is not necessarily a doomed pathway as a result of all the Earth attracts to itself but like Earth, we have a mortality. Our death is not the only message from the stars God informs all that are on Earth about their life and the immortality of the universe we live in. We live in order to die and the history of gravity could inform us of this. Stars, infinite and varied carry us to a cloud of thinking similar to the material surrounding stars, we are not in the dark although we lose time. We move forward only to age.


Friday, July 14, 2023

If only we could read the stars

Nicole Page-Smith photographs and writing

If only we could read the stars

Infinity is the white light you would see at the speed of light but this would take you past the Milky Way. What lives beyond all human beings are going to know in one lifetime is God and we are God so have a knowledge of God. The world of God would not be unobtainable but we have our limitations being mortal or living a mortality. The light of God and all God allows us to see is all we need know about God but all we are going to know. The interstellar material of dark matter however is what all the universe is made from, what stars are born out of and how we have come to be from the void of space we know. We are from the Earth and almost grew like plants from a fertile Earth. However, growing we were formed and fashioned into Gods liking from all that surrounds us. You have to imagine all of the material floating around in outer space is the same as the substances on Earth but differ molecularly from the pressures of gravity but only slightly vary. The infinite and varied understanding of stars next to humans could give us a clue to what God could be contemplating on a daily basis. Why we are here and what is to become of us.

God and the stars. The stars could tell.

If only we could read the stars. 


Friday, July 7, 2023

The universe we live in

Nicole Page-Smith photographs and writing

The universe we live in


Clouds drift on by thinking. You could imagine God thinking in the clouds, pondering. Thoughts and clouded with the weight of the world, God is the clouds and clouded with the fog of human endeavour. The clouds would be a better place to think. We try to busy ourselves with the idea of God being only concerned with the human race as God is the human race but we would only be a small percentage of God's thinking for the rest of the planet is also God's concern, the Solar System and the Milky Way. Stars were born of infinity.

Stars are infinite and varied and hide behind one another to cause the black void of space or dark matter but from the naked eye of Earth, the stars would just be too far away to see. The black void of space conceals our universe but could be described as the God of the universe, veiling God's light. A light of God could be a cloud of stars or the accumulated matter surrounding stars as with the Earth, an atmosphere. Stars are like human beings. If God were to contemplate the stars being all the stars and the universe, they frequent, you assume contemplating the human race would be similar to contemplating stars but we are not God. The dark matter of space would conceal the universe we live in.