Wednesday, July 23, 2014


The cosmic egg represents the four corners of the globe, imagination, reason, passion and the body. The apocalyptic creatures represent the night of reason. They come at the end of the world as we know it and the beginning of time, when the cosmic egg breaks into divine chaos and creation is created. The four parts of the whole equal one. The star is nominated for you to be born under and the work is complete for God in the garden. When the first star appears in Heaven in early evening, there is a light shining in the garden for God to observe the rosebush. Love God to love the cosmic egg. Order in chaos theory has a play here and we nominate the language. Stars light the way for us with patterns to observe, our imagination tells us this where reason would not observe without Galileo inventing the telescope, passion tells us this and take your physical body outside on one starlit evening to observe on your own, the heavens of God and Gods divine garden in the sky. God takes us down through earth akin to Dante's journey to show you who is from Hell and why God does not want any of those Hell victims anywhere near his sacred knowledge. So, what do you think evil people would do with the gold? Sell it to Satan for a lesser price than he is worth to them. Why is God, Satan, too? To catch the thieves who stole the gold. So, why does God want the blessed amongst the evil? Dante was not evil going on a journey through Hell and neither was his special love, Beatrice. Happening when Dante physically walked along the streets of Florence where he lived he saw the petit bourgeois acting out the same routine and this he described in his note taking as being stuck on a certain level of Hell, he passed all these people on his journey through the underworld, somewhere where Christ also visited even though it was just on the streets. Christ was crucified as nobody knew the society he kept. So, the 'Great Work' of God cannot be interrupted but what did God create, man.