Friday, July 24, 2020

Light is reflected

Nicole Page-Smith

Light is reflected

We do not see the light. Darkness. Darkness and light. The very light we need to know exists in the Sun. Light plays an important role in clouds as they reflect light. Darkened, grey, days would express more of an understanding of light, in the darkness of contrast of light and dark. The time it takes for an evolution of the Sun, the Earth has experienced the darkest part of the universe and taken it back into the light but although a year has elapsed on Earth, a year has not elapsed in the universe. Dragging a comprehension of light out of the universe is similar to trying to understand the light of god in the clouds. The clouds equal our light, the light of god and the light we need for life. We are light for god for we live. We know life but out of a knowledge of light other life in the universe is possibly out of our knowing. The form knowledge takes then is a light. Our knowledge is infinite but stops us short. The infinite expansion of the universe is in every cloud and all light. Light is reflected.