Saturday, October 28, 2023

Our spirit or soul

Nicole Page-Smith writing and photographs

Chapter 6.

Our spirit or soul

God is immortal, immortal dead. The immortality of the soul takes you to the eternal place of the heavens and the clouds describe all we are with impending rain. Saturating the earth our soul grows like a plant or a tree, extending upwards towards the light. Clouds and the heavens rain on my mind, raining with the tears of God for like the tree we die and wither to the ground but searching for the light our branches grow. As the tree grows brushing the heavens with its leaves only to come fall, wither with the leaves, grows. Growing trees blowing in the wind like the leaves rattling along the footpath describe the soul on its journey to God. God is immortal and so is our spirit or soul.


Saturday, October 14, 2023

God is immortal

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

God is immortal

If you look at the history of the universe, the cosmos and all the galaxies existing in the Solar System we know, the ever-expanding-universe, you are looking at the history of the human being. We only exist as an expansion of population and the world we know like matter only to contract. Although, human being habitation of the Earth has only been very brief in the general understanding of space, our existence is the result of the whole cosmos and all its existence. We appear as an expansion of organic matter as though some other life form had existed anywhere in the galaxies surrounding us and fell to Earth to produce human life. Are we a result of dinosaurs or do dinosaurs exist after the human race in space time? Space and time do cloud my thoughts as though clouds may drift through my being. The gap of existence of the Earth feels not as though the Earth was blocked from the Sun but simply disappeared only to reappear, a phenomenon similar to the existence of a blackhole anywhere near our cosmos and gravity but like a warping of time and space. Perhaps we enter a void. The non-matter of space and a vacuum could cloud Earth from view and have our planet disappear completely only to return. The recurrence of people from former generations could give you an example of how a human could reappear having disappeared or died long ago. The toing and froing of an idea going backwards and forwards and materialising again is a similar notion of time equalling a human being. Taking ideas to space only to bring them back to Earth can be reborn in our substance, too. Time and the surface of time like the surface of the Earth tells us of the universe we live in like your skin might describe the age of a person. Decay and age are more an Earthly concept than in outer-space. 

God is immortal.



Monday, October 9, 2023

The consequence of time

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

The consequence of time

Clouded thoughts exist as we drift into the darkness of the Earth from the Sun. Was the Earth destroyed by meteorites, asteroids or something else? Was our Solar System and the Milky Way created by being sucked into a blackhole only to spew out into our current understanding of what exists? You would imagine blackholes were there in space to protect our universe from anything dangerous or going to destroy what is out there, almost like a vacuum cleaner of space. Perhaps there is something in the vacuum of space equalling the void. Once, planets and stars, expire they could be causing too much of a vacuum. The known universe as we know it must have existed prior to all we know about the stars and the Solar System surrounding us. You are made to feel Earth is simply an historic memory of some universe gone by. We may not exist at all and in general spacetime we do not exist but existence is not the important idea. Lightyears pass and continue the universe as we know it continuing for eternity but Earth was only one brief moment and existed for a second only to be filed into the history of the universe. For example, human beings are an example of the universe, we exist as a product of the universe existing, the summation of all that has ever been and all that is going to exist is in every human being on Earth. The formation of Earth would be the same as its destruction and both events would produce more planets, stars and meteorites like volcanoes producing mountains. So, with the fiery understanding of the beginning of the universe you will find its end and then its beginning again ad infinitum. The time animation or suspension feels as though we are looking at the remnants of the beginning of the Solar System by looking at the stars in the Milky Way and they are somehow encoded with all the universe contains like scripture sent by God but already suspended in the sky. The Earth must have disappeared only to reappear because of the width of lightyears in space across the Solar System, Milky Way, the heavens and Earth. How may lightyears across is Earth if you measured the Earth by its depth? The answer is the human being. Human beings are the consequence of time.



Monday, October 2, 2023

Lightyears pass in a second only to disappear

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

Light years pass in a second only to disappear

The space surrounding the void of space is time and allows the surface for time to exist, the distance of time. For example, planets revolving around in space provide the time model needed to understand space. Time does not exist in space because of the beginning and end needed, there is no understanding how old space is or how long all we need to know about the Solar System, will last. The beginning and the end do not exist in a logical framework of time, either, however, the ever expanding universe will continue to expand only to contract, why we know death as mortal beings but the infinite expansion of the universe is not something we are ever going to understand. Space gives us the model for time but not space. You feel on Earth the timeline of existence is back to front and we may not exist in the general understanding of time in space but perhaps space in time. We float along as though clouds were our thoughts and drift, thinking. All the events we know in history appear as though they are to exist in the future rather than in the past. The history of space could give us a clue but the distance of time makes no sense at all. Maybe in a future time we will exist for God but not for time. The space surrounding clouds of thought, continues in spacetime and the three-dimensional idea of space.

The space around objects in space is the time factor to the point of a warping of time as we know it. We are aware of a history of the planet Earth but most of the history feels as unfamiliar as dinosaurs. We feel related to former lifeforms on Earth but almost like they occurred after the human race. The warping of time could be the reason. For example, we do know of a beginning of the universe as we know it but did the universe really begin or just continue in a different three-dimensional model of the existing universe. The universe could tell you the answer to our existence but human beings would have the same information in every essence of their being. Maybe time does not exist for the human race because of a non-time when the Earth was not in existence but actually disappeared only to reappear. The concept of the Earth disappearing only to reappear would be something comprehensible in the general law of physics but the warping of time as with spacetime could explain the concept further. Clouds disappearing in the sky only to regather could explain the concept of spacetime. The air that surrounds space is the void of space but not void of time as such. If you equate length by width by depth of a three-dimensional model and we can equate with time or to travel through space and around a three-dimensional model you will understand the surface of time by the space that surrounds an object. Distance we can equate with time or to travel through space and around a three-dimensional model and, we are to understand the gap in time by the distance between the surfaces of an object. The surface of the Earth is the answer to the problem of Earth but if we were to use the space surrounding Earth as a model you will arrive at spacetime. Gravity equals time and space has a weight, the weight of time. Maybe the human race does not exist anymore for God in space because we do not exist in time. Lightyears pass in a second only to disappear.