Friday, November 29, 2019

Something to reflect on

Nicole Page-Smith

Something to reflect on

Immortalized by the moon we are from another universe and equal an expansion. Dark matter slows down the expansion of the universe and is like the darkness of space we see as like night-time, darkness denies light. Dark matter is also in an expansion of the universe but we cannot see dark matter and matter needs volume. For example, matter can equal volume in, water. Water is a component of space on a molecular level. However, the majority of outer space is the void. There must be another substance that denies the void and like matter denies volume called energy. Pockets of energy exist in outer space and cause all sorts of illusions. We think the world is round but there is no certainty. We know there are other planets but they may be our own. To travel in time is something we achieved but the form of transport we use is too fast. If we were to travel at the speed of birds we would actually reach our destination in a shorter amount of time. If you think about this logically to catch the train, walk or go by car under certain circumstances walking is quicker than catching a train and sometimes catching a train is faster than driving. So, then we get to an equation of speed over weight over density to think mathematically. The volume density of space equals the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is God in our relation to him.

The dark matter of the soul is in relation to our death. Although living and immortalised by containing spirit to connect us to life and god this is our ghostly dead part once it goes we no longer live. Our soul connects to the earth. Immortal our soul becomes at death and transcends. However much souls can gain soul they cannot gain spirit. The spirit is the life we were born with and the souls life is our depth. Dark matter is not to be part of either the spirit or the soul and simply is the physical substance matter is in association with, upon mass. Matter is the substance and the dark matter of the soul. Therefore, we meet a contradiction, the life and death issue of the spirit and the soul. Although there is such a substance as spirit matter or the soul, matter can but does not always include, all the flesh and blood of a man, the rest of the physical substance equalling a human form. Mass needs volume weight and almost denies matter even though it includes matter. Dark matter on the other hand denies both. In conclusion to an idea of the spirit and soul, we go to outer space but past death. When our spirit goes a certain distance it changes. Changing into another substance souls transcend but the spirt becomes matter. We hit the angel realm and god does the rest. In the angels realms we become god. 

Immortalised by the moon the dark matter of the soul is something to reflect on. 


Nicole Page-Smith

Tuesday, November 26, 2019


Nicole Page-Smith


The cyclical understanding we have as humans does not exist though in the universe. Dark matter does not have a cycle it simply invades in an expansion of the universe and perhaps like humans slows down. We are God but not gods or immortal and we die. Gods are to do with our material world but not dark matter or anything to do with dark matter. We appear to have little understanding of the light of God for we are not God or God's light and deny light like dark matter but are a light source in that we have motion and friction causes energy. As the blood goes rushing through your veins and the heart pumps blood around the body this causes motion an energy and mass upon light but not matter. To say we are matter is almost a mistake because we would need more mass and to have mass we deny space. Space therefore is mass. Volume in space is another idea and the volume of space appears to be beyond our grasp. The volume of space and its density is so vast the volume is the void of understanding we know as God. God and the understanding of the void is our concept of Christ and how could this be? We know the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit equals the density of space.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Being human

Nicole Page-Smith

Being human

Although the expansion of dark matter is something unknown, dark matter does occur in the three stages of being to slow the expansion we know as life as dark matter denies light. The expansion of the universe is therefore slower with the presence of dark matter. So, if to deny light is to deny life we do not reflect light for we die. We also reflect the darkness not in order to die but to reflect our immortality. We know of a time but not how long time lasts for time lasts for eternity. A history gives us a sense of being or of having been. We then take it past everything we know and almost reach the dark matter of the soul. History in space equals the planets and the stars and even though an age is discussed, a possible age of Earth, stars and the other planets surrounding us, they appear as all the fixed stars in heaven and as though they have been there forever. We, then contemplate age. Struggling with age and time, suddenly time goes into the reversal of everything we have known and goes backwards. To think of the reversal of everything we feel comfortable as we had a beginning or were born. However, there is no guarantee the universe had a beginning or ends. The end of the universe is the beginning and we could almost understand this being human.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

We expand

Nicole Page-Smith

We expand

The shadow of the moon equals the Sun and our reflection. We reflect light and plant life creates the rest of the light source we know as light. Dark matter does light our soul. And dark matter is in effect our light source for we reflect the dark side of the moon and this is our Sun. By day irradiating away we reflect the moon but it is night and we see day. We cannot see light but irradiate light to reflect the moon. The irradiated light is destructive and apart from glare eventually causing blindness we will have to protect ourselves from it and wear something like space suits. The temperature of the earth will eventually become so hot or what we know as heat we will not be able to tolerate it but this will probably be long after habitation of any living species. The surface of the moon is similar to what you could imagine Earth to look like and would be similar to other planets covered with the natural gases, accumulated. All the natural resources provide a light in the form of matter. We are the result of matter but not matter itself and have a similar purpose to dark matter in that we expand.


Sunday, November 17, 2019

The moon

Nicole Page-Smith

The moon

If we aged too, quickly we would be immortalized. We face the moon but we are mortal and immortalized by the moon. Maybe life should be as simple as an absence of light could mean an absence of life. However, dark matter and the blackness of a substance denying light, does not suggest this to be the case. Light should be preserved. Dark matter is like a mirror. We do not appear to understand life because it is in reversal of matter. To try and explain when you see yourself in the mirror you see surfaces light reflects upon but not yourself. How then can we explain our existence if in effect we do not exist at all? We exist to die. When we are born time goes into the reversal to the point of all understandings of time are in the reverse of a progression forward. Time has not always existed as a concept but matter tells you its tale and we are here. We are in existence but died so long ago it is hard to understand why we are in memory of ourselves. Matter implodes and dark matter denies its existence but they work together in an existence. Perhaps our very existence in a nonexistence is the dark matter we cannot get our heads around. Our very immortality makes us mortal and we are in reflection of the moon as black as outer space and subtract only to expand. We are too late for the universe to immortalize our soul but we were not born not to die. The dark matter of the universe is our life and death. Although, dark matter is the purpose for our death it is not the cause and simply slows down time and hence light. Light is not something we can tolerate and we live in the shadow of the moon.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Immortalized by the moon: Black

Nicole Page-Smith

Immortalized by the moon


When you think of the other side of the moon you are taken beyond it and keep travelling with the clouds. Several paintings spring to mind where the moon travels through madly racing clouds conjuring up images of light rather than darkness.

At night to see the moon in the sky has you wonder about our age as a planet and the age of the moon has you wonder about all planets and their age. The ancient feeling of another planet shining in on us has you wonder about other planets also seen in the sky as stars. We reflect the moon and wonder why the moon feels older than the Earth. Old dinosaurs feel like our selves in natural history museums. Petrified and turned to rock, is this something we will become?

In the shadow of the moon often we feel the mood and emotion, darkening. Darkened by the moon is not anything evil but we travel past the moon. Darkness and the stars plants and the cosmos beyond are all we are, too, starlight for God. Black in the shadow of the moon we are immortalised as a shadow on our face. Soon the clouds depart, clouds shifting and moving like emotions and thoughts, drifting through your mind. Blackness is the velvety night on the other side of the moon.

The light of the moon is dark. The dark matter of the moon is the light. We travel past the moon and go to time. Dark matter is something to talk about but is the substance as the result of light. If you think of stars you may think of a light you see in the sky at night but we cause the light. Similarly, the light of god in us shines. Shining with the light of the moon is our day but not our night. Dark matter in a sense causes a rest of time like earth. If you covered a light source with earth it does not shine. Causing light to rest is like a rest, to rest at night or the eternal rest with death. And although dark matter is destructive and is a substance to put life at rest it is a substance to take us through the ages of being. Equally dark matter puts the universe at rest from light. A sleep is to restore the senses.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Immortalized by the moon

Nicole Page-Smith

Immortalized by the moon

The moon.

If you think about the moon you have a Christian view but no idea of what the moon equals. In view of the Sun and the Sun could also equal the moon in a Christian way, we are just as lost. If we then, think of the centre of the Earth, we think of Jesus and the relationship of Jesus to a Christian view. We are taken to questions of where the centre of the Universe may lie and what lies at the centre of your Universe. Solar systems and many moons away we may wonder of what lies beyond. The moon has a surface of water and maybe the moon landing included a time when water did not exist on the moon. We could have equally landed on the Sun if this were possible. The fire of the Sun could be the Earth but this we could never know. If the Earth were the Sun and the Sun were the moon where does that leave the Earth? Earth is the ground we stand on but in relationship to the moon. The moon on the other hand pulls us in. Gravitation is only here because of the moon. Without gravitation we just become the reversal of gravity and matter itself. Maybe we do not realise.

To realise the moon, is to realise the self. A moon is god and heaven but is mainly our purpose for standing upright. Without the moon we would float but still not float away. Floating is something we will never do though for without the moon we would not be, we would fall apart. Gravitation holds us together but only from the expansion of the universe as with the void. Without the expansion of the universe we would be more or less nothing or would not exist as an expansion. Space is really nothing and similar to a void. We must almost think in an expansion otherwise we would not think. We cannot comprehend the space surrounding us for like air it does not exist at all but without air we would not exist, either. If we had any comprehension of air and floating in it we could possibly understand space but not the moon. A realisation of the moon and the self take God and a Christian understanding of matter is to go further than needed. Substance is really only for God to understand but not to inform us. However, a very substance is the key. 

If we think of matter and the key to our destruction this takes us to the relationship with time and dark matter. The moon holds us together with its gravitation and the moon is the weight for dark matter and time. We are in fact so influenced by the moon we have to watch our understanding of time as time happened after the end of the world. Time does go into the reversal to the point the destruction starts to occur and our mortality. We are an example of how the universe works and becoming dark matter is not the same as the spirit matter we become. We almost exist to not exist and this is our relationship with matter. Dark matter is the destructive force of the universe and ultimately destroys all in its path but is also the very stuff we are made from. Human beings are made of the same atomic structure of stars and we absorb light rather than irradiate light for we are the light of God. The illumination is we become the very substance of God. We become nothing and the void. Death you may feel is final but we become God. Immortalized.

Immortalized by the moon.

By Nicole Page-Smith