Saturday, February 1, 2025

We become

Nicole Page-Smith

We become

One time there was space and in no time was there gravity on Earth. We cause the gravity on Earth by being here on the planet, Earth. Gravity is every step and walking causes the friction with the earth needed to stand upright, so we stand. We stand for the one God in one time equalling the Lord above and a heaven in the knowing of God. We stand up.

We are one, one with the Lord. Time is gravity and perhaps the mass of time elapsed between the beginning of our universe and the history of the planet Earth would cause our gravity as the Earth spins on its axis, accumulating a population mass. Gravity is caused by the mass of space.

As time is warped and gravity pulls the planets circulating around the Sun on their axis like the constellation of the Solar System is a toy being twirled by the Milky Way and God, we attract gravity. Earth appears to have been born from the blackhole in the Milky Way along with the stars and meteorites. You would wonder if the Big Bang somehow in sucking the galaxy into a single point cleansed the planet of anything upsetting the cosmos. Did our constellation of stars and planets spinning around the Sun survive the contradiction of matter? We are a divine example of space and how the universe works, matter expands only to contract like a boiling kettle letting off steam. The mass of gravity around our Solar System of planets and the Sun is their rotation. Did the Big Bang as it is known really occur or was the fast reduction of gravity as with time the cause of existence? We may as well have been born of nothing and the void of space, pushed into a form because of gravity. We were born, born of one and born of the one time we knew, knew the Lord, if we were born of the blackhole of space. To be born of nothing is how we are created, we become.