Sunday, November 26, 2023

The heavens would know when it rains

Nicole Page-Smith photographs and writing

The heavens would know when it rains

Stars and planets tumble through the universe spinning on their axis, spin and tumble, spinning and tumbling, the planets go on their journey around the sun. The annual season of planets and stars has us observe their pathway to God and the stars. The plants here on Earth communicate to God and the stars, while the planets influence their growth but the moon does not have a say to the planets rolling and tumbling around the Sun, groaning on their journey, a loud rock groaning noise in space but as the years go by God, the universe and all the stars gather matter along with lightyears of space. God never tires of his infinite universe to God. The plants smile in anticipation while the trees lose their leaves for winter. Trees communicate with the stars for God and the moon rises waxing and waning to the cosmos. Stars continue to fall through the universe to gather momentum and stardust. Are we just stardust in the clouds? The heavens would know when it rains.