Saturday, October 14, 2023

God is immortal

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

God is immortal

If you look at the history of the universe, the cosmos and all the galaxies existing in the Solar System we know, the ever-expanding-universe, you are looking at the history of the human being. We only exist as an expansion of population and the world we know like matter only to contract. Although, human being habitation of the Earth has only been very brief in the general understanding of space, our existence is the result of the whole cosmos and all its existence. We appear as an expansion of organic matter as though some other life form had existed anywhere in the galaxies surrounding us and fell to Earth to produce human life. Are we a result of dinosaurs or do dinosaurs exist after the human race in space time? Space and time do cloud my thoughts as though clouds may drift through my being. The gap of existence of the Earth feels not as though the Earth was blocked from the Sun but simply disappeared only to reappear, a phenomenon similar to the existence of a blackhole anywhere near our cosmos and gravity but like a warping of time and space. Perhaps we enter a void. The non-matter of space and a vacuum could cloud Earth from view and have our planet disappear completely only to return. The recurrence of people from former generations could give you an example of how a human could reappear having disappeared or died long ago. The toing and froing of an idea going backwards and forwards and materialising again is a similar notion of time equalling a human being. Taking ideas to space only to bring them back to Earth can be reborn in our substance, too. Time and the surface of time like the surface of the Earth tells us of the universe we live in like your skin might describe the age of a person. Decay and age are more an Earthly concept than in outer-space. 

God is immortal.