Friday, July 14, 2023

If only we could read the stars

Nicole Page-Smith photographs and writing

If only we could read the stars

Infinity is the white light you would see at the speed of light but this would take you past the Milky Way. What lives beyond all human beings are going to know in one lifetime is God and we are God so have a knowledge of God. The world of God would not be unobtainable but we have our limitations being mortal or living a mortality. The light of God and all God allows us to see is all we need know about God but all we are going to know. The interstellar material of dark matter however is what all the universe is made from, what stars are born out of and how we have come to be from the void of space we know. We are from the Earth and almost grew like plants from a fertile Earth. However, growing we were formed and fashioned into Gods liking from all that surrounds us. You have to imagine all of the material floating around in outer space is the same as the substances on Earth but differ molecularly from the pressures of gravity but only slightly vary. The infinite and varied understanding of stars next to humans could give us a clue to what God could be contemplating on a daily basis. Why we are here and what is to become of us.

God and the stars. The stars could tell.

If only we could read the stars.