Friday, May 19, 2023

A mortal death

Nicole Page-Smith writing and photographs

A mortal death

Thoughts continue with time, bending and twisting in your mind. If you were to associate the curvature of anything bodily as an example, the curvature of your head or every cell racing around in our body would have an example of a curve. Cells can bend slightly to travel via one another as their outer surface is malleable. Matter expands only to contract and perhaps if you thought about the cellular membrane of a cell and its deterioration rushing amongst other cells as cells die, we have an explanation of time. Space time warps our understanding where time exists as time exists in a curvature in space. If you then perhaps used the curvature of the head as an example of a curve in space you may physically be able to understand time with the ageing process and the different form your head takes from a baby through to an adult. Although, you may feel growing from a baby to an adult is a logical progression there is nothing normal about the development of human beings. 

We do have an understanding of time as a development of growth but although we die no understanding of decay. You cannot convince people they are ever going to die. We die a mortal death.