Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Nicole Page-Smith, 2015

So, if "I am" because "I know", who are "we"? "We are"; one with God because "we know" God, but who are "they", who do not know God? Do they know? So, if "I am" because "I know", "we" are because "we" know God and they do not know "who I am", who are "they"? They are part of God, for "they are", but they do not know know God in their hearts, so, what do "they" know? I am for I am. "I know", for  "I am", but I do not know "who I am", for I do not know "who you are". So, if I do not "know" who they are, how can I know myself? I am because "I know myself". I compare "myself" to God.
