Friday, August 30, 2024

Time in its reduction

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

Time in its reduction

We live in an expansion of the universe but are its example. A human being is created like the expansion of the universe and from a single point or catalyst we explode into a human being. However, the expansion of the universe is like an implosion and is still expanding. Matter expands in order to contract but this simply explains the curvature of gravity. The contraction of matter causes another expansion and hence, the Big Bang or the human race. Time may not exist on Earth for time is the reversal of gravity. The history of the universe holds our weight and we stand tall but the catalyst of the creation of the human race was God and equals time. The journey of the Holy Spirit is endless. God is the Earth and infinite space but time slows down in a blackhole, it was not a blackhole that caused the cosmos but matter. Matter exists in an expansion. We exist and matter does not die only the memory of time. God is the chance, time, existed. Matter is God and time and holds a memory. We only exist in a memory for God and time. The catalyst of the human race was the reduction of time. 

Human beings have little time to consider who they are but our imagination is struck by the reduction of our galaxies surrounding us into a single point causing an almighty explosion, the Big Bang. Time was reduced into a void. To be void of time is to be void of a history but in space the rapid expansion and contraction of matter is beyond time almost appearing like science fiction or something beyond the comprehension of the self on Earth. However, human beings are the divine example of the universe and all the galaxies surrounding us. Human beings are the result of a single cell but equally the matter of a human being beyond death, one single particle, could probably keep the human race going. Human beings contain the same substance as stars as though we fell out of the universe one day and fell to Earth. We are time in the reduction of the human race and the toing and froing of matter as a substance can be described easily on earthly terms with a life or death. We are all stardust to God in our expansion or contraction with the substance of our lives. Life is an expansion of time but in the reduction of time we are not cut short as with death but begin. We are the beginning of time in its reduction.

The End


Saturday, August 24, 2024

The Big Bang

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

The Big Bang

Gravity falls upon us making us exist in time but the weight of the ether surrounding Earth holds us to the planet for an age. Our mortality is as though gravity was our own ailing force for the bend of time with spacetime causes us to be mortal. The immortality of the soul is to do with God and the heavens although, our spirit holds a memory like matter, spirit matter is taken to God for its own amalgamation with the heavens. Spirits become the heavens and are the void of space, the heavens become the stars and meteorites, travelling stars, comets and asteroids, all the solid matter of space. The very stellular substance of the heavens is our gravity, our weight and being but as gravity bends time in space to a non-existence of time but not space, the world drifts on as though clouded by the very clouds of the sky. God fell to Earth like a meteorite creating the waters and the human race. We live in the curvature of gravity and die as a result of time.

Time is our gravity and pulls us towards the earth but also attaches us to the Earth for like a buoyant buoy, out to sea, we would float without gravity. The zero gravity of space would allow the human race to live for eternity but we would float off into space. If we were birds, we would have wings to anchor us to the Earth but we would need gravity to glide through space. Gravity actually curves the ether or clouds so we stand upright but are held to Earth and die a mortal death, the curvature is time and, time equals God. Human beings are at a disposition and are human beings so, the human race would always make the human choice even if it was a bad one. The human choice. There would be some practical and logistical problems with human beings living forever on Earth or elsewhere, Earth would get too overpopulated and your body would wear out. Transport maybe a problem with everybody needing airspace to Mars but the human race may have flown once with the dinosaurs. Sometimes you feel the human race may simply have arrived from outer space, delivered by God but, the evolution of man needed gravity. We were born out of the garden and maybe literally sprang up out of the ground like trees. If there was a reversal of time, we would not exactly crawl out of the graves to become alive again, we would not notice, time. Aging is like a reversal of time.

Gravity is our weight but time is curved by gravity. We may not know if we were in the reversal of time as living in order to die is how life has always been for the human race. If we were actually travelling back through time, in a reversal of time, to reach the dinosaurs this could explain time but, not gravity or an age. Spacetime warps our perception and could actually throw us back in time inside a blackhole rather than propel us forward. Gravity holds time as its answer to God. Our existence seems primitive and man does not appear to have evolved as a species but, human beings are fragile creatures. If we grew only to become dinosaurs with wings, the large idea could allow the Earth to flourish once more with greenery but my caution would be we exist as a species, elsewhere. Space probes going out to space may not reach any recognisable target but, may not know what to find when they get there. The reversal of time could suggest space probes may not reach anything other than a past history. Time has not existed since the Big Bang.



Saturday, August 17, 2024

Time for gravity

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

Time for gravity

Stars collapse into the infinite but to equate a human being to a star should not be as difficult as it sounds. Human beings are in memory of themselves. A blackhole is the memory of a star. Memory would suggest a time factor so, if we called a star's existence and nonexistence a life or death, we may understand the human being element but not the life of stars. Matter must contain a memory. However, we fall into the dark matter of space and the substance of a blackhole. Time is slowed down inside a blackhole and sometimes goes into the reversal of time perhaps to erase the memory of itself but not totally. We are in the remembrance of the universe.  Human beings do not appear to have aged, at all, they are the same human beings but change from a life to a death only to be reborn another human being. Stars collapse and die only to be recreated out of their own stellular substance but we live in the memory of stars. Do we exist at all for spacetime? Perhaps we only exist in memory of time but not space.

We exist. Existence is like the curvature of spacetime created by gravity, especially near a blackhole. This begs the question about existence on Earth and the curvature of our existence towards death or nonexistence, gravity pulls us to the grave. The memory of our human existence appears as though not only an afterthought of God but does not exist in space. Time travels to an infinity and disappears in lightyears to planets and stars so far away, our existence on Earth is longer than the duration to God. Infinities of universes and galaxies have existed in space but not time, curving with the sound waves of space but, God is silent in the heavens for the angels, they only sing angelically. Silence prevails and although the dinosaurs may have been wiped off the planet with a single asteroid or meteorite bigger than Earth, the impact to the Earth's atmosphere may have been silent only to change chemically and become the waters. Dinosaurs feel like our ancestors but, appear to have lived in a future, time. Perhaps spacetime and the enormous pull or curvature of gravity has pulled Earth through time to make a memory of the human race or dinosaurs exist. We do not exist in space.

We exist in time. The space-time, time warp is gravity and as gravity takes us to the earth, we lose time as though being sucked in by a blackhole. Dinosaurs may have existed millions of years ago but we hold the bones of dinosaurs. Earth appears to exist for human beings in time for gravity and the warping of time by spacetime and, by gravity, would explain why the Earth feels as with other planets, billions of years old but as though nothing has happened in general time since the Big Bang. Time has stood still since the inception of our universe and the galaxies spin around the Sun as with the moon and the stars orbiting around the Earth and our cosmos. There is no time in space but time exists for gravity and has weighed upon us from the first habitation of human beings on Earth. God weighs upon us in the heavens with the angels and we float off with the clouds like the weight of the water before it rains. The space around us is in a vacuum as though the forces of gravity did not exist. Floating off with the clouds we drift off with the ether. Human beings exist on Earth. However, time has not elapsed in space. We are the same human beings as the cavemen, human beings evolved from but dinosaurs hold our future as human beings hold our past, tugging as though with a tug-of-war with time, gravity and space. Time may not exist in space but time is gravity. We may only exist in time for gravity.



Friday, August 9, 2024

A memory of the star

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

A memory of the star

Orbiting stars in heaven continue to inform us of the beginning of our universe, the cosmos and galaxies surrounding us for seemingly eternity but having existed there in the Milky Way from the beginning of the creation of Earth and all the planets we know to exist as though their constellations spin around in our hearts. Every cell has its own constellation and the heavenly stars are reflected in our bodies with the continuing motion of the planets as though the Sun had expired into a blackhole and is pulling at our Solar System like age pulls you towards the earth. The daily routine of human beings on the planet is almost like the movement of planets and the stars in the heavens. The Sun died billions of years ago and we live in memory of the Sun. You are made to feel that one life on Earth is longer than the history of the universe because of relative spacetime. Time does not exist in space.


We are posed with the question of existence. Why do we exist? If time does not exist in space, then perhaps our existence is only spacetime, we exist on a curve of gravity. Time slows down and possibly goes into a reversal in a blackhole but the depth of a blackhole or the width is several lightyears wide by an infinite depth. If the infinite depth of a blackhole is like the experience of a human being, we could probably equate time. The experience of being human is infinite.

Time is the variant. Infinity almost goes beyond time because you reach the infinite. Stars collapse into infinity and become a blackhole and human beings die to become a memory. Therefore, a blackhole could be a memory of a star but not the opposite of existence. The forcefield of gravity produced by a blackhole bends time, maybe the size of a blackhole could suggest time but the universe and all the galaxies surrounding us are infinite. The spinning of planets on an axis around the Sun would make you feel the Big Bang caused our cosmos to begin but works on the same principle as a blackhole, continuing to spin and attract gravity for billions of years or as long as our galaxy has existed. Changing from star to blackhole creates a memory of the star.


Saturday, August 3, 2024

The stars of the heavens

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

The stars of the heavens

We die and create a vacuum. Darkness pervades and silence. The silence of space creates great clouds of dust but stars are also born out of the vacuum they create. Clouded with stellar thinking, several millions of years in diameter, stars are born out of the silence. The blackhole of death is similar to stars dying in that time stops. Gravity pulls at the curvature of time in spacetime, bending time through the pull of gravity but slowing time down in the centre of a blackhole to a stop. Eons and lightyears pass to describe the width of the galaxy where stars are born. Perhaps, if we lived in space, we would live for millions of years but would be rock like a star. Maybe when you are in the heavens, God fashions a star in your likeness to remind you of Earth and your Earthly home, there on Earth. We are born out of the heavens for the stars but heaven is our home. Angels do tell of our journey to the heavens but gravity pulls us to Earth. Earth is our home but stars are born out of the nebular of space. We are the rain from the clouds in the heavens for God. Tears of angels, cry when you die but celebrate your journey to the heavens. We are the rain from the heavens.

We rain. Clouded with thoughts, the clouds rain and descend, lowering over the hills, lingering. When angels cry in heaven it rains. Although, our spirits go to the heavens when we die, heaven is not a sad place but the distance of the Sun. All the heavens in the sky are answered on Earth with the rain falling from the sky or a blue sunny day. The flowers on Earth mirror the heavens in their joyous view of the heavens, above. Angels frequent the Earth when it rains but also in the blue sunshine through windows or in the gardens of flowers. Angels fly to heaven everyday but back to Earth when they are needed. Rain and angels go to God in the clouds. When you see the clouds pass overhead you are more likely than ever seeing angels. Angels are a thoroughfare to God.

God and the angels. Descending to Earth, angels are our communication with the stars. The angels in your heart respond to God. The thoroughfare of angels takes us to God. Stars are the angel in our heart and all day while we sit about doing our daily activities they respond to the stars, communicating backwards and forwards with each constellation. Constellations of stars move across the sky in the evening while you sleep, too. We are all born with a divine purpose for God and it is as though written in every aspect of our life. The divine path is for you to follow. Although, not everybody chooses to follow the constellation in their hearts, the angels do their best to inform you of your pathway and their thoroughfare to God. The stars of the heavens.



Saturday, July 27, 2024

We die like stars

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

We die like stars

Our ever, expanding universe could expand for infinity, expanding and contracting, creating energy for eternity or until the energy reaches God. Energy in the reverse of energy equals matter in its reversal but will still create energy. Matter does not die. The power of a blackhole bends space to absorb light in our galaxy. Stars collapse, creating energy and blackholes, perhaps to then create galaxies and the cosmos themselves. The energy of the Big Bang and the galaxies surrounding us appear to have gone on oscillating, through expansion and contraction from the beginning but human beings are the very example of how the universe works. We live to die. Energy exists on the curvature of light and as waves of energy emanate from the cosmos forming all the stars we know in the heavens, above, planets and blackholes, energy creates itself out of itself to then form matter. Matter and antimatter create energy like the spirit or soul of human beings. God is our universe and we are his form.

Time goes into a reversal inside a blackhole and if we equated a blackhole to ourselves you could imagine the opposite of existence itself, we would not exist. If time itself, stopped, would we stop living? Time does not exist in space but if time went forwards and backwards like the formation of matter and antimatter, to create energy, we are probably then talking of "spacetime". You could imagine a galaxy in the form of God to become eternal and not die but change form. The cosmos is infinite but varied. Time changing ever so slightly could be the answer. 


Time stands still in the centre of a blackhole but time changes. The existence of time is for the notion of the cosmos having a history but time does not exist in space so, we exist in the non-time of space. Our existence is an existence as though time and history did not exist; human beings have evolved but are human beings stuck in the void of existence. The human race has existed for thousands of years as matter and as time in space but little has changed for the species of human beings, we are still human. God is our ever present being in space and in a history of space equalling matter and substance but, also the void of space. God is time but God is also, space. However, the variant of time changing ever so slightly appears to create an existence only to destroy it or join substances such as matter and antimatter to create energy, changing chemically as is the law of physics. The notion of time standing still as though in the centre of a blackhole creates "spacetime". Spacetime rides on the curvature of gravity created from a blackhole and stars collapsing over millions of years but continues as though for eternity to be space, stars and planets. Leaves fall from the trees every year for an Autumn but the continued slight change of time could see the seasons in a reversal. Do we exist at all in space? God could have the answer to space and our existence depends on God. God is matter and time. Time stands still in space. 

The modification to time in space as gravity obviously slows down time and is very different in a blackhole where time appears to stand still or go ever so slightly into the reversal of time. The void of space appears to deny time as though a non-existence occurs at the end of galaxies forming. Maybe to reduce the expansion of matter or an explosion, time has to be stopped but you imagine space to be infinite and stars to fall into an infinity when they collapse and, become a blackhole. Gravity obviously reduces time and although stars take millions of years to die, their death so to speak or collapse causes the opposite of a star or big rock floating around in space and a vacant space without energy, a blackhole. Although, the gravitational pull of blackholes is enormous. If Earth or another planet were to die you would be left with an energy mass. We are built of the same substance as stars so should understand the negative space left behind as with death where time ends and you are left behind as a memory. Although, stars die in space so create a vacuum, the vacuum and void of space, we die like stars.


Saturday, July 20, 2024

Energy creates the universe

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

Energy creates the universe

Mass is form and does not disappear but at the beginning of form as matter, existing and not existing are not relevant. The volume density of space exists as a substance, we are born out of forming like galaxies and stars. The universe we live in is as infinite as the cosmos will allow and as a substance, existence itself is not going to disappear but change form in volume density or mass. The whole world as we know it could disappear but reappear. Moving in and out of existence is the description of matter although, matter has other properties. Substances need gravity but our very existence needs volume density and mass. Are there other universes past our own? Mass over weight would suggest galaxies exist beyond our own. Substance can exist in its negation as space exists in the void but our cosmos needs more room to expand.

Expanding, matter expands only to contract. Human beings are an example of matter in an expansion but like the ever, expanding universe expands so does the population. If the population were to expand beyond the Earth's physical room for population expansion, we would not have enough room on Earth to live. Fortunately, the Earth's population is not going to ever expand beyond the limits of Earth but when the cosmos expands beyond the limitation of space there is an explosion like the Big Bang. The exploding and reduction of matter only for matter to expand again is running out of room. The cosmos and all we know of the galaxy has not got enough space to expand and this in effect will cause a negation of space. Stars imploding, comets, asteroids and meteorites, travelling and the eventual collapse of our cosmos as if through a blackhole or the freeze out of the galaxy we know is the proposed doom of the end of the world as we know it or the end of our cosmos but the dark void of space is infinite so, simply takes us to God. God is infinite.

We are of the one God and we are infinite and varied. God takes us to the infinite to find ourselves in the void of space for God is infinite. Stars imploding and collapsing into one another can only cause the blackholes of space and when Earth dies there is only going to be a negative space of energy. You may find it reasonable to say that we do not exist at all for the void of space is ourselves as we are God. The Sun may have died millions of years ago but we live in the light of the Sun. So, the toing and froing of energy equaling mass over weight could only equal God, the infinite and stardust but God is the infinite. A catalyst could be needed to save galaxies from disappearing altogether you may think but matter cannot be destroyed. Energy creates the universe.