Like Casper David Friedrich's relationship to himself, the male elements are represented by the landscape, the sea, the sky, the self in view, the air, the colour of the sky above and God. This pristine view of God represents both elements of the male and female self with the female element also equalling the death of Christ. This sympathetic view of a very complicated view of Christianity feels as though the female self is not in view. Mostly Friedrich's very quiet contemplations of an understanding where death equals God are something so profoundly deep to the heart you want to let this pass through you so you can carry on living after view. They are uplifting to God and do communicate a human longing for companionship with eternal love. A very prominent equation of this love is The Monk by the Sea, and one is taken somewhere so close to God you feel the atmosphere transcending through the universe and back to the love of man. So, the Christ equation for Casper David Friedrich is death as the self.