Thursday, February 6, 2014


The concept of Satan seems like an interesting one. As the understanding of various philosophy was thought through, the earth gods and underworld gods seem to take both an extremely divine pathway to God and anyone to Hell who was being evil with this information. Maybe the primal quality of both contemporary and twentieth century abstract sculpture taps into the language of the unconscious and although a divine understanding is lost in translation, this pathway to a language of symbols and referencing, both defies reflection and is lost there. The early primal arts of the early twentieth century art that were taken through a conscious awareness are taking a really ancient understanding of transcendentalism or the death of a human equalling God to a different level of contemplation. Therefore, this reevaluation of the divine message unto God appears to have gone to another place of thinking with the earth gods of pre-Christian times equalling Satan. Only to travel past him through a divine window.