Monday, March 16, 2015


Nicole Page-Smith, 2015

The infinite awareness of God equals time and at the end of the world we will be dead but our love carries on to the infinite. God is love and the infinite. God is time. Our love for God takes us past the end of the world to the end of time and then we are taken to infinity. Heaven is our last resort. When you are born in Heaven, you are born in love with God. We need to find the infinite awareness of God in our hearts to take us further, past the end of the world and there we no longer exist as the end of time has already occurred. We do exist for God for we are God and God is our love. Love is our philosophy for we love God in Heaven. The memory of our love is all that exists and all that will exist for eternity. We are like a vague memory of our former selves and then we find renewable life or a transforming matter to someone we become. We know who we are to become in our hearts and we know what is to become of us at the end of the world. Life takes us to love.
