Thursday, July 28, 2016

Our Christian body only knows love

Nicole Page-Smith

Our Christian body only knows love

The body is for the Spirit of an angel to fly with it through its earthly realm or current life. Your guardian angel is your Spirit. Time is on your side so live in the present. To have the Spirit leave the body as with sleep, astral traveling is for the Spirit to find its home. Your Spirit looks for you with the angels and greets you there, in your Spirit's home and, this is supposed to be your body. We fly with the Spirit. To our selves is the home to know. The Spirit knows the home is itself, the body. You have an angel and this is your home. Home is where the hearth is. Your shelf, your doormat, your face, shows the Spirit. Home is where the heart is at or how you feel about yourself. We are brethren of Christ for he knew himself by his Spirit, the Spirit of God. We feed the multitude and the multitude is the fish. The miracle of Christ is the loaves for we are the bread. We are the Spirit Christ. The Christian symbol of the fish is a union of two goddesses, the water and the bread, our body.

We ate of the body for we are Spirit. God provided the fish. We are the water for we are of our body. Our body is good with wine and this nominates the body. The body was the blood red wine of Christ. We are of the body and this is Spirit, the Spirit of Christ fell upon us. Our Spirit was taken to Jesus at birth and we all reside in the Spirit of Jesus, for he lay down. God lay down our Sin for Jesus, our Spirit. We were of the Earth for this is where we lay. We fell to Earth. The fall is our passage. We were born of Heaven, in the garden and our Sin was all too human, that we lay down for Jesus. We lay down of the Earth. We are of the Earth so, this is a trespass for our Spirit and our Spirit's home is the Earth. The barren Earth is the home of the Spirit, to walk its passage, in time, but, also, to exist of the Spirit, the Spirit of Mother Earth. The body knows the Spirit for it lives of the Earth. We eat and she lay down.

We are of the body of Earth in twelve ways. Twelve would nominate the seasons and the twelve calendar months and then, we are blessed. There are twelve parts of the body for Christ. The feet, the arms, the hands, the body, the heart, the mind, the head and the eyes, we, also have legs and, a spine, a nose and, a mouth, for we are the face of Christ, in a Christian way. We are the Cross, for we have the Cross to bear, our life. An apostle of twelve is our knowledge for the rock. The star patterns, in alignment of the twelve, Christian, zodiac, constellations give our body, an awareness. We are aware of the food we eat and the biblical reading of Christ, he nominated the land. The rock hits you in the face as though the stars shine too brightly in your eyes. A barren tree to hang your knowledge on is the Spirit in the wilderness. We were guided by our Spirit in twelve different ways and these pay homage to our body. We were blessed by the rock.

Christ was blessed by the rock. His name was Jesus Christ and this assumed the fish. Christ's followers followed his name. It was written. We face the land and they face the sea, the sea of the people. Christ faced the rock for he was blessed. The sea of the people came in multitude. The people were followers. Saint John the Baptist was a hermit who lived by the rock. Christ is nominated as a healer of the sick, the wounded and the lame and observed to perform miracles, the miracle of the self. God gave courage to the multitude. We do not face the open sea, we face the people, ourselves. People do not traditionally observe one another, for pious Christian beliefs or the purpose of God. We face the wilderness with our Spirit as we face the rock, the truth or God in the Heaven of the sky. Our body only knows one purpose and that is the self. Our relationship with God is the purpose of the body. We are the body of Christ and God bless. 

As we walk side by side with the sea of people, we turn our back on the open sea. The Spirit of Christ was for the people like your guardian angel and a guiding star. We have work to do for God and need to confront the wilderness of the self, your Spirit. Our Spirit communicates with God as stressed by Plato with Divine circle in the head, we know the planets that way. Our body is connected to the axis of the Earth and spins. We circulate. As seasonal cycles make us aware of a spinning sensation, we notice star patterns, decrease and increase, moving to left or right of the spinning axis, of the Earth around the Sun. We notice the moon waxing and waning or increasing and diminishing in size. We are a moonrise, for some, in Spirit. We are, blessed, by the light, of God, by day or the reflection of the stars on the rock. We face the multitude, in Spirit, for we are of the Spirit of God. Our body spins with the axis. Will we ever understand gravity or the gravitational pull towards the love of, God. Our Spirit is not to face the open sea where, danger lies and sea creatures enlighten you. The Spirit wanders the barren Earth. Our Christian body only knows love.


Thursday, July 21, 2016

The body knows the Spirit

Nicole Page-Smith

The body knows the Spirit

Our body is at the foot of the Cross. The heart lay above the feet, the feet of Jesus. At the foot of the Cross, we stand, we stand for God. Above our heart we fear to trespass, the sacred place on Earth. We are of the Earth and the sacred skull. Our ancestors lay buried, buried of the Cross. We are of the sacred soul of Jesus. Jesus lay himself on the Cross for he lay down, he lay down for Jesus. Christ died for we lay down, lay down our body for Jesus. Our body is the home for Jesus. Our Spirit lay above the Cross. Crosses were placed in the Earth. Our body starts above the Cross, and above our heart, at the feet of Jesus. Our sacred Spirit is not to be trespassed and do not talk of the feet of Jesus where, he lay down, lay down at the Cross. The heart of Jesus is where he lay, lay in a tomb and a chamber. God is amongst the animals in the garden. Our body is the heart of Jesus.

The body is the blood, the blood of Jesus. The body is in the garden of Christ. We are trees and of the stake, of the stake of Jesus where, our trees grow. The garden has flowers who shine brightly to you. Beware of the Devil in your garden for the snake is attracted to the smell of flowers. The body knows the honey, the honey of the sap and trees exude this substance. Sometimes the sap of the tree will ooze onto the ground. Trees grow in the garden. The body grows into the limbs there are limbs of sap for we are the sap of the Earth. The Devil knows no sap. We are trees. Limbs do grow. Where Christ lay down, it was a meadow. The meadow bloomed in Springtime for it was our life and trespassed the life of Jesus. We lay down. Our body bled for Jesus. Our body is of the skull of the redeemed one. We are of the Earth. We are one blood. In one lifetime you will find Jesus for he lives on the Cross. We live on the Earth.   


We are Earth for Jesus. Our body is the Earth and we live. We live for our bodies needs and food is of the body. Plants grow and shelter us, shelter our body. We eat the foods of the Earth, for the Earth nourishes our body. We are of the body of Christ and he ate for we died, died the life of Christ. We live on the Cross, for Jesus, Jesus crossed our path. We live on the Earth and the Earth spilt its blood, spilt its blood for Jesus and, for God. We eat of the Earth for our body. Our body is for Jesus and for God. The Spirit is for Jesus. Our skull is for God. To contemplate our death, on the Cross, we contemplate our body. Our heart is above the Lord Jesus and tries to reach God. Upwards your life grows like a tree. We ascend, grow and develop limbs. Our limbs are to develop the Cross. We are crossed like Jesus on the Cross and our limbs travel out in a Cross formation. Our mind travels upward and above the Cross of Jesus. We grow upwards above the trees, there you fly, fly with the life of Jesus and the Spirit ascends. The heart is ascended.

We are of the body of Christ for we have heart, the ascended heart of Jesus. We are all heart to God for we know love. To know love in your heart is of the Earth. A primal love known to the body is of the Spirit but, also of the blood of the Earth. Spiritual love is of transcendence. Transcendent love flies to God and exists with the angels in the clouds. A philosophy exists in the ethereal place in our hearts where God takes you to Heaven. We are three in one in a body, part Spirit, God and heart. Our Spirit flies next to Jesus as the Spirit is ascended with the heart. Love in the heart ascends your Spirit to God. Our primal, earthly body knows the pain of earthly concerns and emotional pain is the next to Jesus. The Spirit flies forth and notices the Spirit, in flight, for death is next to the Spirit. The deep soulful earth feels your trespass and informs the angels via the gods. Birds inform your Spirit with a deep reverie like the echo of the bottomless pit offered by Bellbirds. We are like a transcendent Spirit of the body. The reverberation of thought echoes back at you.

Your Spirit is an echo of the body and lingers on your earthbound living limbs. The body, in ascension of itself, drifts with your thought patterns like clouds on a windy day as your Spirit moves closer to God. We are born of the angels in the sky and your Spirit flies with them to Heaven. Somehow we do not just return to the angels, at death but, our Spirit grows to know God, more and more, until it departs company from the body and, returns to the angels in the sky. We float with the memory and like a passing thought, the philosophy of our Spirit becomes air and we become angel with God. Our body has flight, a knowing in the Spirit's wings. Earthly angels do exist in your heart and they only know love through ascension. When you think of the clouds, the heart's angels breathe your oxygen. Earthly love is our heart's presence in the body, the instrument we feel and our sacred connection with God. The body knows the Spirit.


Thursday, July 14, 2016

We are one with our body

Nicole Page-Smith

We are one with our body

Our body knows the Earth and holds starlight. If our body were the Earth then, this is the knowledge the body would hold. We hold the age of our planet in our heart as though we were a prior life form. Stars hold our heart and all the knowledge of the Universe, God will allow us to observe. Were we former dinosaurs or microscopic life forms, found in the garden? Our body is starlight and as though it is impossible to grasp a future purpose, the past appears in reverse. Maybe we are only here to discover the body of Christ and how we materialized from the knowledge of God. We are to observe the love of God and learn why the future holds the past, so dear. We observe life like Spirits of the dead and as though the whole purpose of the human being was to observe a history of ourselves. Do we exist at all or only in memory of ourselves? Our body seems as though in reflection of a Divine self and has no substance. We are in the void of knowing.

The body is our knowledge. Our body is a fragment of our being. The Spirit transcends. We exist in a Spirit form of the knowing of Christ and float in the ether of being. Our history is reversed for us to contemplate our future body, a body in the knowing of Christ. We are one with our body. If we are in the void of knowing Christ in our blood then, matter has disintegrated. In the knowing of love, Christ exists in Spirit. Spirit matter is the self. We are broken down into elements and our chemical equation is oxygen, the oxygen we breathe. We reflect on the sky and clear blue days, ahead. Our disintegrating body replaces itself with aging cells to accommodate age but our heart's matter needs to know a different substance and love in the heart of philosophy with the age of the sky reflecting this substance or God. You feel there is a different golden matter of the heart to linger with the Spirit and each cell holds a golden substance. Heart cells pump the love of God around the body and must generate the golden feeling of the Spirit. Will our golden knowledge surpass our understanding or be all that is left when our aging cells disintegrate, too? The body knows no heart only love in every cell.


Our heart knows no body, only the love of God. The valves of the heart are joined to the body and blood flows through you as we breathe the oxygen of life. We are of the body of Christ. The Lamb of God knows our body and bleeds. We hold the goblet. We are redeemed of Sin for we hold the river and we are blessed of our body. There is only one river and this is life. The body flows through us. Arms and legs are replaced annually along with the hair cells from your hair roots. Cells of your body replace themselves while water and blood flow through you. We feed the body of nourishment and the vessel holds our Spirit. We have Spirit in our blood as we are one with the Lord. Our heart knows the Spirit. Like limbs we develop and grow with age. We are one with Christ and he died on our birthday for our Sin, the Sin of knowing Christ in our heart. We are one with the knowledge of God for this is the tree, the tree of our limbs. Water and wine are our sap, the sap of our being. We are blood.

We are blood with the knowledge of Christ. We are body. Our feet and our limbs are one with the Christian indication of the Soul and our Spirit is connected to God. The heart knows your body has wine, the wine of the Earth. The Spirit knows the Spirit water where, we are wine or the blood Earth. We are a liquid for God through our veins. The Spirit is our knowing. We know the matter of God is our body. Our body eats the bread and honey is the comb. Honeycomb combs our hair with bees and flowers line our Christian way. We are maidens and goddesses of the Earth. Smell fresh fields and gardens of flowers in Springtime to know the senses of the body. Taste pure delight of the garden. Hear the birds of the forest trees. The sight of love is all around your garden, for God is the honey of the trees and music to a bumblebee. Our body senses the self and enjoys itself next to God. The blood of the heart is our matter for love is the heart matter of God. Our heart is our body, the body of the earth. Travel forth.

Our body has eyes and we see, God. We are given clear vision and the vision of God has a perspective. The vanishing point of God has a straight line along the horizon line and forward along a straight line. We see clearly when God has eyes and perspective is a line through God's vanishing point, to travel through to the horizon. Horizons of another variety are what we hope for. We see our body clearly when we observe ourselves. To look inside yourself is to see what your heart provides and Christ observed God, here our body sees itself. We are of a body known to man, the human body. We are of the book, of the book of Christ. We glorify the body by making representations of the body in art. Images of Christ glorify the self. Sculptures of Christ reach the pinnacle of perfection when they translate the meaning of God. We see through ourselves when the Spirit is ascended and the elevation takes us closer to our heart material. God knows the heart is ascended and elevated above the foot of the Cross when, we see ourselves as God. The Spirit is absorbed by flesh and your horizon lay at your feet. We are one with our body.


Friday, July 8, 2016

Our body knows one Universe

Nicole Page-Smith

Our body knows one Universe

We eat bread for we are the body of Christ. Christ's heart was ascended on this day with love. Christ is of the body for Christ is the heart. Our love is ascended on the Holy day. To love is the ascension and to love God. We love God on the Holy day and this is our Crucifixion, for we are in love with the Lord, the Lord above. Our primal love or the love of our fellow human beings, your wife, children and family, is our earthly connection with God and our spiritual concern is with Christ, our fellow man. The Lord took our heart to Heaven and this is known as our Crucifixion. Our primal love took our heart and our mind took our Spirit to God, this way. Our Original Sin is our primal body, for it only knows earthly love, in the garden. Our Spirit flies with God, in the garden. God knew, we had primal instinct and he placed us in the garden with the animals. God, fly unto thee. We eat the bread of Christ and this is a Christian meal. We eat bread on the Holy day on the day of the Cross and then we drink wine for the Spirit. We died for Christ for we were born on the day of ascension.  

We were born for Christ. We were born of the day. We were born for the Cross. We were born for love. We were born. Of, love, is for Christ, for Christ was the Holy Father one. We are in love with Christ. Christ is for our body. Our body is our feet. We are at the mercy of God. Our Spirit is Holy. The vessel is our blood, the Holy blood of Christ. The vessel is for our Spirit. God is our golden highlight, for he resides in Heaven. We are of our flow, for we flow like a river. There is a body and the body knows the heart, for the body has a heart and, a Spirit. We are the ascended one, for we ascended from the grave. The grave of Christ is the Holy one and our Spirit is of the body. We are all related to Christ. God was our ancestry and we are of the Christian way. Our body is of the way of Heaven, for Heaven foresaw. God is the way of Heaven. We ate the bread, for we, are Christ. Christ is the all knowing one. Omnipotent are our brethren, for they are the brethren of Christ. Christ is our body.

The resurrection of the body needs two feet. The Lord show the way for our body is of the Cross. Two feet are needed for the risen. The Spirit of Christ did rise and did rise from the body. From the tomb, Christ did rise to Heaven. Our body is the threshing field for Christ and did rise. We rise above the foot of the Cross, on two feet. Christ did rise, above the foot of the Cross and did rise. We are of flesh and blood. We do know our body and we do have love, love of the Lord, within. We are one, one with God and the body. We are to rise above ourselves and rise above the tomb in our lifetime, Christ has risen and our heart stands. We withstand the knowledge of the one and his name is Christ. We are blessed, blessed with the knowledge of God for he is the one, our body, our Christ and our Lord, above. Christ is the Savior of the world for he knew his heart and his heart was the forsaken one, for God, for love and for thee. We are of the one body, the body of Christ.

We are one mind, the mind of our body. When we are of the world, we spin, on a globe or an axis. There is one world of Christ and this is our body. We are of the body. Our mind is of the body. We are of the body of Christ. Stars light the way to Heaven for our heart by an angel's gracing. We are of one Spirit. We are only, graced by one angel, our livelihood and our life is our angel for God. God knew no home, for God was an angel, the angel of the heart, our body. Mercy is the angel of love and our heart had mercy, mercy for the one, above. God is the angel of the heart, our body. Our Spirit is the angel of the mind, our body. Of the body, God flew up to mercy and he was an angel. Of the mind flew down to grace God. We are of one time frame and our life. We are blessed. There is a mountain but we are graced. Our body is our ocean, sea. We are blessed out at sea by our ocean, an angel out at sea. We fly with the gracing. God walked the floor when, we walked the ocean and God saw all the fishes out at sea. Jesus walked the water, for Bethlehem. We walk on the water's edge. Our feet are our ocean and we swim the widest berth. 

We are one with our body, the body of Christ. We are of the blood, salt and brine. We are of the body. Our sea is our blood. The Spirit of God is ascended as the Spirit is of the fishes. The basket brings in the Spirit. The body of Christ does trespass our own body, your own Spirit is of the brine. We are of the body for we eat the flesh, the fish and the bread. We drink the wine as an offering of the sea. The Christian pathway is of the sea. Our body. Our blood is like an ocean, salty and of the sea. We are all of one world and have the Christian blood of our brothers, the brothers of Christ and a Christian faith. Our body is to be eaten like bread, consumed with age and the love of the Lord. The Spirit is to live and swims inside us like the fish of the ocean. We are to grow with the knowledge of the Lord in our body, the Spirit of the self and God lives in the Spirit. We have blood that flows through our body like a Christian galaxy of stars. Our life is out to sea. Our body knows one Universe.


Friday, July 1, 2016

Of the Body

Nicole Page-Smith

Of the Body

Blessed by the body of Christ we know the dimensions of the Spirit. The Spirit flows through the body and leaves a hollow where, God ascended our body to Heaven. To look through the eyes of the Spirit is to see the cavity of God or the width and breadth of a mind, already, ascended. We are reminded of the origins of Christ as a baby with religious images of the Madonna and Child and here, the grace of mother Mary has never been so eloquently expressed than by the Italian, 15th century, Florentine, sculptor, Luca della Robbia. Christ Blessing by Antonello da Messina, c. 1464, describes the Spirit of God and here, we are blessed of our body. We rise in ascension like Gothic church windows, towering to God as the body's elevation has the Spirit ascended to Heaven. Christ, born of ascension, was already of the Spirit of God and born in Heaven, born in the arms of Mary. The soft, milk white, tones of ivory, stone and glazed ceramic describe the passage of the Spirit, even further as we are of one body and a universe of the stars. The body resumes.

We eat of the flesh for we are body. Our body is the heart of Jesus for God was Christ. A fragment of our body is left after the Crucifixion of Jesus and that is the heart. The heart is all we are, all God responds to and what holds your heart? God holds your heart, for most and the Christian altar holds the heart of others. For the coming of age of Christ, for some communities would mean a time in your life of change, ascension for some. If you could put the preceding idea into a context of the current Western culture and what both men and women strive for by the age of thirty-three, we could participate. Most men by the coming of age have achieved their goal and are rewarded. Women of the mother of Mary would have the rest of their days to fill even if it required a workload. The heart is placed. Our fragment is our reward or what is left.

There is an ivory Crucifix by Pisano describing the fragment of Christ that is necessary. The arms and legs are only partly there as the body would have originally been attached to a Cross, one would presume. In the general value of ivory work from Early Christian times and onwards, the little piece is exquisite. Giovanni Pisano and his father are mainly known for their large exterior church sculptures etched with time into marble to give their surface an acquired love worn look, most are now housed in the interior of buildings or specially housed church museums. Although, the exterior Pisano sculptures are also suburb, the little ivory Crucifix is small enough to fit right into the pocket of your heart. We are of one body, one world, one Soul and this is the body of the heart or Christ. We were all born of Christ, to live. God breathe the life.

The body is like the stem of life and God breathes light into your heart to give it the light of God. Your body is the home of the Spirit. Jesus Christ is our bodily connection to the world and to the earth. The body represents the limbs and sometimes they are torn, we feel dismembered from our Spirit, psychologically. Our Spirit earth needs to be in connection with God. Your heart can heal through the workings of the body and feed it better fruit. Love is our connection to God. The body is a vehicle. When the body tempers age, parts of the body wear out but the Spirit of the heart is restored. God takes you to him in times of need. The body like ivory is your sacred vessel and you are the sacred blood of Christ, we are the body. The Holy Spirit take you to God, our body is one in three. We eat the bread.

We are of wine when we are body. Christ the Lord is our body for we are one with God. We are one with our body for we eat bread, the bread of Christ. We had wine that day, the day of the Lord. We were the blood for we drank wine. The blood of the Lord is Jesus Christ and he was Crucified for us. We were of the tree for we were staked in the forest. There was fruit and honey for the sweetening of Christ and this was the flavour of the wine. Sweet wine is of myrrh and honey. Sweet wine is of the myrtle tree for God. God is the mantle. God is known but Heaven conceals itself in the forest of the love for Christ. Christ is known for he was Crucified for his Sin, the Sin of loving God so sweetly. God loved Christ for he was Crucified for him, for the Lord, the Lord is Jesus Christ. Christ is our one, our Savior and our faith, the faith of God. God love the Lord above for he is one, one with Heaven. God is love for our body for we are to love ourselves, with the Cross. Crucifixion occurred on the Holy day, the Holy day of Christ. Jesus is our body, for we eat, the bread.
