Wednesday, April 2, 2014


The Virgin Mary is a ruby by birth. Her divine cloth covers her divine fruit, this the Virgin gives to the new baby born, Jesus Christ. Inlaid in her divine cloth is divine gold of God. Often Christian virtue was attributed by her sweet face being carved in ivory white and also marble. The French often use a sweet model for the representations of the Virgin Mary, this could be their wife. Her heart is a starry ring of stars for God and would symbolize when Heaven was given her by God. When the Virgin Mary found Heaven in her heart, when she was given the babe or Immaculate Conception took place. Often it comes to people by God giving them an introduction to a Heavenly way. This can happen quite early in a persons life through finding something they love. Be it classical music, a work of art, a statue in the park, an outdoor sculpture, a great book or just something on the radio. God works in mysterious ways and this could occur in the love of birds or nature. Bumble bees to the home or flowers for your wife. This also occurs with a beautiful offering from the Holy divine in the form of several representations in ivory in the Louvre Museum.