Friday, July 12, 2024

We exist as a substance

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

We exist as a substance

Human beings are simply stardust, it would seem but, the very notion of human beings coming from God and all the stellar substance of the galaxy and, Solar System, our Earth is made from, suggests, we have existed for eternity or for the immortality of, our soul. Perhaps you could argue we have only known of existence from the beginning of our galaxy and Solar System but the cosmos came out of itself. The universe was born of an infinity of stars and the infinite. Infinite and varied are stars.

Stars travel through the Milky Way and are forever forming, new galaxies and stars, for the universe. Stars form over millions of years only to die, collapsing into themselves and we are born of the stars but are from the death of stars. The antimatter of stars is also the substance the universe is created from but the stars have continued to form and dissolve over billions of years of the galaxies being created. Human beings are probably not an afterthought of God but a result of the universe. We are formed out of gravity.

Gravity pulls at form but more at matter, tearing us apart only to rejoin chemical, compounds into another form. Stars and matter, we can comprehend but all the unseen substances of space are more important to the formation of the human race, trees and animals, of Earth. Human beings could have died a long time ago or be born out of a blackhole, in antithesis of being. The antimatter is more important than matter itself for the simple age of its lack of substance.

We are born of the energy of the universe. Antimatter and matter. Cosmic rays and Gamma rays seem like something out of science fiction but we were created along with matter and antimatter in the Big Bang so, as the universe expanded only to contract many more galaxies were formed. The fusion of energy of matter with its antimatter companion would have created form as the energy created the planets, the stars and the Sun. Energy and gravity created form as we can witness matter to exist out of antimatter but the fire of the universe created everything else, we know as matter. We exist as a substance.