Saturday, July 20, 2024

Energy creates the universe

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

Energy creates the universe

Mass is form and does not disappear but at the beginning of form as matter, existing and not existing are not relevant. The volume density of space exists as a substance, we are born out of forming like galaxies and stars. The universe we live in is as infinite as the cosmos will allow and as a substance, existence itself is not going to disappear but change form in volume density or mass. The whole world as we know it could disappear but reappear. Moving in and out of existence is the description of matter although, matter has other properties. Substances need gravity but our very existence needs volume density and mass. Are there other universes past our own? Mass over weight would suggest galaxies exist beyond our own. Substance can exist in its negation as space exists in the void but our cosmos needs more room to expand.

Expanding, matter expands only to contract. Human beings are an example of matter in an expansion but like the ever, expanding universe expands so does the population. If the population were to expand beyond the Earth's physical room for population expansion, we would not have enough room on Earth to live. Fortunately, the Earth's population is not going to ever expand beyond the limits of Earth but when the cosmos expands beyond the limitation of space there is an explosion like the Big Bang. The exploding and reduction of matter only for matter to expand again is running out of room. The cosmos and all we know of the galaxy has not got enough space to expand and this in effect will cause a negation of space. Stars imploding, comets, asteroids and meteorites, travelling and the eventual collapse of our cosmos as if through a blackhole or the freeze out of the galaxy we know is the proposed doom of the end of the world as we know it or the end of our cosmos but the dark void of space is infinite so, simply takes us to God. God is infinite.

We are of the one God and we are infinite and varied. God takes us to the infinite to find ourselves in the void of space for God is infinite. Stars imploding and collapsing into one another can only cause the blackholes of space and when Earth dies there is only going to be a negative space of energy. You may find it reasonable to say that we do not exist at all for the void of space is ourselves as we are God. The Sun may have died millions of years ago but we live in the light of the Sun. So, the toing and froing of energy equaling mass over weight could only equal God, the infinite and stardust but God is the infinite. A catalyst could be needed to save galaxies from disappearing altogether you may think but matter cannot be destroyed. Energy creates the universe.