Sunday, July 7, 2024

Stars dying

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing


Stars dying

Moving across the sky, the night takes over. Days with darkening clouds, follow and heavy, rain, falls, to the earth. Once we were rain but are now the earth. Lingering ideas of planets and space continue to make you feel the water, our substance, consists of. We are water when we were rock. The planet Earth has not always had water and has not always been on the pathway of asteroids or meteorites. Meteorites form from other participation in the stellar activities of the universe. Blackholes cause asteroids and they gurgle up like a volcano being attracted to gravity and water. Water is supposed to form on other planets and would have equaled the Sun, once upon a time. However, the chemical compound of water changes when it enters the Earth's atmosphere as clouds change to rain, falling to the earth. Clouds absorb water only to become saturated with rain.

Where we once star? Stars die only to collapse into themselves and create blackholes. The negation of a star or the opposite of a star is a blackhole. If you think about space being zero gravity then you could think of a place that equalled the void of space or nothing. However, stars are a big, bright, substance that glows from an inner core producing the light from a distance like Earth. The inner substance of stars is similar to the inner substance of every cell of a human being and describes the history of the universe or the stellar substance in the universe. Stars die.

If you were to equate the human being to the substance of stars, our inner genetic makeup would have a lifespan and then collapse, if we were not to reproduce sexually. Stars do not exactly clone, one another, either, they are simply constructed out of stellar matter but out of the very nothing or the void of space. The mystery of the human race can be explained by the bible or in science class but does not make any sense, logically or makes every sense but, differently. Matter expands only to contract and this very concept is explained by the human being. Human beings are conceived, born, grow to an adult and then, die. The expansion of a human form into a baby is an expansion whereas dying is a contraction. The expansion of matter in the universe quite often takes millions of years. For example, stars can take billions of years to form but equally take a long time to die. Stars die but we are the result of stars dying.