Tuesday, July 7, 2015

page 8

Nicole Page-Smith


When we think of the place, the Holy place, where the Spirit resides, we think of God and then, we are seven with him. Seven eyes we are blessed with to see the Lord. Christ blessed himself on the seventh day and therefore he is a Christian in seven ways unto himself, the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Lord above and the seventh angel is his blessing. God was taken to Heaven with Christ as an angel. When angels love you in seven ways you are blessed by the angel of God. The house of your Spirit is a Sanctuary and that is why you are blessed. Do not open the door to the unfaithful. Our Spirit is our home and that is why blasphemy cannot be allowed to dwell in the Spirit. God placed seven angels in our body and Jesus was to observe all seven places. The heart is our angel for God, our love is our angel for the blessed by God, the church is our angel to marry the Soul with God, our feet are to take our angel to Heaven, our hands are our angel, to pray, to the Lord, we are blessed by the angel of love to love our Spirit and God loves our angel. God bless. 
