Nicole Page-Smith, writing and photographs
Time is infinite
Infinite time continues beyond space to the end of infinity. Can time be infinite in space? Time does not exist in space as the space filling the void has no present, past or future and is denied time. Lightyears could tell the time if they knew. Can planets and the Sun tell the time? You could imagine the planets and the Sun groaning away in outer space, spinning on an axis on a daily basis. Time would not occur to the Sun and neither would night and day occur to Earth. Perhaps, Earth is peculiar in its position in the Solar System in living in shadow of the Sun. What happened before the Big Bang? Our whole Solar System reduced itself to a single point only to explode and to create the Universe as we know it as though the stars are the memory of the explosion, stuck in space. Although, human beings may be an example of how the Universe operates, only to live and die, has the universe expanded and contracted ad infinitum or is there no memory of a past other than ourselves? If we are a memory of a past does the human race have a future? Is the beginning and the end of time one and the same? Time would know the answer in space if time existed in space but you feel the air surrounding us may not have a memory of a time or space. Infinite space.
Time lands on the ground and equals the ground we walk on. Earth can give you a history of itself but why did Earth occur? Why was there a beginning of time and will the end of time be a long time, away? Infinite space in its divine reflection of ourselves could tell, if infinite space could tell the time. So, to exist in time and space may not be a possibility. Time is warped in space and expands only to contract like matter to then reach the void of space. You could then ask, does matter have a memory or any inclusion in time? Our lives are so temporary but one second could equal a lifetime in space. The heavens shine down on us in anticipation of an answer about time or space and continue to breathe along with us. Time does exist but when compared to an age, you would feel infinite space is too old to contemplate a time and cancels out the necessity for time to exist at all. Space could equal time but time could not equal space.
When time equals God do we take ourselves to the void of space? Time equals God and space but both are infinite. A void of understanding may equal our lack of knowledge of what surrounds us in the Solar System but the Solar System and all the planets exist inside the body. So, if we look deep inside our bodies, we should know every aspect of the universe and a cosmos should equal our understanding. Maybe as we only have limited understanding of our bodies and their functions this give us only a limited understanding of the world and all of the surrounding universes, for infinity. You may contemplate if God is infinite along with the universes, we exist in, why in our organic state of being human do we have to die and expect the whole human race to perish, one day? Why is the human race so vulnerable to its environment on Earth? Time is infinite.