Monday, November 25, 2024

Time is God

Nicole Page-Smith

Time is God

Stars would know more in the universe of our Solar System like the littered debris after an explosion. Stars tend to permeate the sky, sitting there in vacant space as a result of the universe. Stars are born of stellar matter but at the end of the world our universe reduced itself to a single point and then exploded. We are the result of the end of time and the Big Bang and are created in a similar way, all reduced to equal the human race or a star. Stars die and become black holes only to lose time. Time disappears into the void of space but human beings and stars are born. Our existence on Earth is the result of the Big Bang at the end of the universe. God exists for us in time as a record of our history on Earth but the stars float in the void of space to remind us of who we are. If we lived forever we would become star or fossilised rock. We are a divine example of the universe so we understand how the universe, the planets and all the stars were made by God. Existential theories will complain we are the result of nature. We were born of the star of God, we were born. We were born of one, one star. We were born. We were born of the star of heaven. One star in our heaven.

Time equals all the stars in heaven, suspended in time. Our heavens talk to us communicating all day with the stars. At night, time speaks of God in the dark. Stars communicate with your face and eyes but are in every cell of your body like liquid rock. God is time in space for the finite numbers to infinity and all the stars in the heavens, equal infinity, one time and one star. Earth is finite.

When you reach the end of the finite Earth, you reach infinity and God. God is at the end of time for God is finite and although, our finite Earth, God is immortal. An immortality of time would not make sense because time is God and time is finite. The beginning and end of time could equal the human race or God but have a beginning or an end. "Finite" sounds so definite whereas "infinite" has your mind wandering off, past the known, to God. God is time. Time is God.