Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Night equals the angels

Nicole Page-Smith

Angels, oh angels. 
We are angels because of oh...
And when we see we are one with the Lord above. 
The sky is our place but not our home,
We are angels, we are angels for God, but for God angels have a home in Heaven.
Angels love God to love them and oh how they love God.
We are one with the angels in Heaven for we are
And we are one.


Ah, the angels.


Clouds and angels, ah the angels do love God in the heavenly sky.
Sky, clouds and angels,
Flying, we fly. In the sky with angels,
Stars are for God.


God is the stars and when they shine
We are one with the stars and clouds they drift, too.
Clouds drift and we feel their fluffy surrounding, surrounding us in the sky.
We are one with the sky. Drifting clouds follow and we drift. We are one with the 
sky when we follow the stars. Following the stars is a night time vocation in the
darkness but we look like the Milky Way, milky. Now, night becomes day and at 
the dusk of dawn we are in love with God, God is our love. Love to day and day of
night equals the angels.
