Friday, September 13, 2013

Page 96

Filippo Lippi, The Annunciation, c. 1448-1450,  
The National Gallery, London

And the place where God most wants you to be is somewhere where you are comfortable and secure but also somewhere where your heart is the happiest. So, a sense of place is not something to be ignored. How can we comprehend God, the universe or where we are in the universe? Our sense of place is not just a concept or a theory but somewhere in the depth of our hearts. Place can be of variety. But can also mean the places where you feel the connection from the depths. There are many of these. For example, there are places in the heart that could be reached with a golden ascension to God. Few people would want this service but it is when God feels you need a hug from him. The golden light of the heart is somewhere where you find God and I probably cannot communicate how adorable God feels when you let him in there. The Germans call this place a form of white heat and the French would call this dark matter. The stars, out there in the night sky are not just hanging on threads but are suspended in space. They do have a place and a very important function. This you feel is beyond our comprehension mainly but it feels organic, almost like they are trying to communicate somewhere or via God. We simply have to communicate back the best we can. This we would have to ask God about. Otherwise we wont be able to come back.