Saturday, February 15, 2025


Nicole Page-Smith


We die into our life but live the life of a dream as time exists on Earth. Dreaming we become one with the Lord and human. The human race is only here on Earth because of time otherwise we would not exist. Gravity holds us to the Earth. 

Gravity has us stand upright while our dreams float up to the sky, floating, heavenly. If gravity did not exist, we would fall apart and float away, suspended in the void of space. All of space appears suspended because of gravity and moves in constellation with itself. Moving, our bodies dance as though gravity moves us and our bodies. Stars, shining the dream of life, beam, light, down, upon us, at night while we sleep. Dreaming, we perceive time but float off to the angels of dreams. The waking dream is our life.

Earth is not our home any more than, the Milky Way and the planets continue to rotate on their axis as a result of the cosmos and an older part of the universe, in which we live. Waking we dream, the dream. Our life opens to a galaxy of ideas but stars hold our thoughts, for eternity. We are of the stars and God but an organic, liquid rock as gravity holds us. We could equal the stars, our heaven and be born of the angels. Stars, dream our dream and beam their light down to you, at night with the moon. Rising planets glow a stronger orange or white and hang on the moon until sunrise. Waking and dreaming, we live the life of God but, dream. If you live your dreams, you become your dreams, dreaming.