Monday, December 16, 2024

Matter creates time

Nicole Page-Smith

Matter creates time

The heartbeat of the universe is the Sun as light travels. The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound but light does not travel in space. We are a result of our own light, emanating through our being. The void of space cancels all we know on Earth but not really cancels any matter as matter has nothing to cling onto and floats with zero gravity. A voice would be inaudible and the creation of the universe would have had no sound but a feeling of compression. All of space was reduced to the void of nothing and this is all our Solar System knows to do, reduce time and space. Matter expands only to contract. When there is too much matter in space the universe contracts and although there are undefined boundaries of space matter can only exist in a certain volume of space, then it explodes. Human beings are only an example of an expansion of matter in that they grow, accumulating matter as the Earth spins on its axis. Beating hearts are one, in space and we are almost created by the energy of the Sun and, like a plant, grow to become a reduction of matter but, not time. Growing and dying in space is our pastime. When human beings die, they do not become anti-matter for decomposition causes matter or heat like compost, we dissolve into the earth. Anti-matter and matter exist in the dark matter of space.

The curvature of your clock face gives you an understanding of time in space and all human beings need to know about matter or the dark matter of space. Time and matter bend in space and their relationship is spacetime. Time is not necessarily warped but does not exist in space. Matter causes time.

Human beings have a history but matter has a memory. Time curves because of matter but matter causes time. Matter has to almost bend to allow time to pass by it, caused by gravity. The memory matter holds is "the human race". Our Solar System has gone through something similar to the Big Bang several times but what causes the rapid reduction of matter is time. Time cannot exist in space. Curving and bending time with spacetime and the death of blackholes causes an explosion. Stars die and cause such a massive hole in the universe nothing can escape their gravity. Planets spin and stars are born. We are not sucked into a blackhole more than spat out. Blackholes cause the reduction of matter, time. Cancelling time, matter also creates time in its memory. Time and space exist quite happily together except around matter. Matter creates time.