Friday, June 23, 2023

We do not exist at all

Nicole Page-Smith photographs and writing

We do not exist at all


We precipitate out of the clouds and rain down onto the ground and as though water had to bend to accomodate people stepping in puddles, the negative space left by rain falling to the ground would describe the atmosphere. Air, pregnant with water after rain causes more clouds of humidity. Stratocumulus clouds, fluffy and close to the ground rise and disperse. If you could think about the feeling of being in a cloud of damp, saturated, air this would give you a sense of how gravity bends around you but not the negative space your body could leave behind. Spacetime almost explains the negation of time as though it did not exist at all but for spacetime to exist you would need gravity. So, this negation of time in space or a life if it died or death gives the understanding of spacetime. If we are able to travel our minds to all the activity of outer-space, we would get to an understanding of why we exist but not why we are here. However, to investigate the evolution of man we would have to go beyond our understanding of God. 

Every cell holds the information of the whole existence of the human race, all that has been and all the future has in store for the history of the human race as a species. The planets are similar to single cells of the human being and hold all the information of the history of space but not the history of time, we would have to ask God for that one. Therefore, to understand time in space is to understand God and why we are here. We are almost on Earth as an afterthought. The general laws of physics and chemistry would not equate the human race. Space and time do not allow existence and gravity. We are made to feel the distance between planets gives us an understanding of gravity for they are almost pushed aside to allow for the other activities in space. The gravity of spacetime is so strong sometimes you may feel the planets may squash themselves to accomodate the moon and the Sun, although the closer foreign bodies are to one another the more gravity there will be. The tides ebb and flow but clouds think of another matter, water. Water bends but our ultimate destruction will be the distance between time and space. A blackhole in thinking like a maelstrom. The end of the world. The beginning of time. Time in its negation equals space and gravity, infinite is our understanding. We seem to fail God in the simple knowledge of who we are in the face of the Lord but to contemplate death equalling where space begins is to negate time itself. We do not exist at all.