Friday, April 21, 2023

In the sky

Nicole Page-Smith writing and photographs

In the sky

Clouds drift and continue to float around the sky, life goes on with the thoughts of air as though the ephemeral substance of clouds is as momentary as a shooting star or comet in the sky. Clouds are strange and like all the things we know about the planets, the stars and why we are here as a form of God in the garden, we drift off like matter separating. Drifting with the clouds we drift apart. The expansion of matter appears as far away as the Sun but the universe continues on with the mission of planets in space perpetually on their cycle, circulating the Sun. Separating matter from the clouds would be like extracting water from air and we fall down to earth like rain drenching ourselves with the information clouds give us in the sky. If thoughts were clouds would they think for us? Thinking with the clouds, we drift and are astrophysics for God. Clouds would know thinking, drifting across the sky and carry you along with your thoughts. Heavenly thoughts linger and the clouds drift in the sky.

Thoughts of clouds drift in and out of your mind. Are we the shadows of clouds or did we see a better day? Clouds permeate, do they become stratus, cirrus or nimbus clouds of thinking bearing thoughts rather than rain? Alto, the medium level of clouds, linger then, drift away. The sun shines for another day and the light looks down on you. Are we God for the clouds, thinking? Clouds may be able to tell you in the sky.