Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Thoughts linger

Nicole Page-Smith, photographs and writing

Thoughts linger

Floating thoughts carry along with the clouds and the air blows among clouds in the sky. Racing clouds are synonymous with the shape of the island and the position of the island in the sea. When you think of clouds racing over the moon on darkened moonlit nights or the swift movement of fog your mind is darkened to Gothic tales but clouds tend to lift with the sunshine. Racing your ideas through the clouds you feel alienated from God and more alien than human. Maybe God would be disappointed if you felt clouds did not represent God. Darkened clouds of rain are brooding thoughts indeed and the illumination of clouds with light are the Holy Spirit. Racing with the clouds in mind you are reminded of the sea and the mountains. Clouds float off with the air pressure and race around the sky some more.

Clouds and fog lower to the ground so you can barely see half a metre in front of you. The foghorn sounds and the harbour cannot be seen, either. Fog clouds your thoughts. Someone disembarks from a ship dressed in clothing like something from another century with long dresses and a long frock coat. You feel you may have stepped back in time and you may be experiencing a vision but they are simply dressed in another kind of fashionable clothing from somewhere else. The fog lingers and although you may sense the presence of people nothing can be seen. Dreary is the weather.

Fog and clouds produce all kinds of images from lingering mythology down to the ground and you feel veiled by the fog as if in a cloud. When clouds are in the sky with light beaming though them racing, racing around the sky there is a feeling of elevation of the spirit. But when the clouds descend and creep all around you, you feel yourself conjuring up all of the worst B-grade horror movies you have seen but strangely comforted. Lingering clouds continue to cling to the mountains, illuminating thoughts of impending rain. Thoughts linger and the fog continues.