Friday, May 26, 2023

Curvature and spacetime

Nicole Page-Smith photographs and writing

Curvature and spacetime


Growing with the idea of time we extend through green growth and become tree where once we were water. Trees suck water up through their roots. The evolution of tree species could describe more easily the illogical way time may manifest in our mind about species exisiting on Earth. The evolution of tree species gives you more of an understanding of time in, we comprehend growth and bend in the wind like the curvature of time. If you imagined humans to have developed out of tree species you would possibly have a better understanding of spacetime for your imagination may have to bend to the idea. However, time goes backwards and forwards to the point we could have come to Earth way before God's, garden, perhaps in a different form or we would have had little to eat. How we evolved from matter into a species of human gives you knowledge of spacetime. Time bends but keeps bending.

Therefore, the perception of time is an interesting one and we have an idea past time with the setting Sun. Perhaps in the very bending of time we can comprehend curvature and spacetime.


Friday, May 19, 2023

A mortal death

Nicole Page-Smith writing and photographs

A mortal death

Thoughts continue with time, bending and twisting in your mind. If you were to associate the curvature of anything bodily as an example, the curvature of your head or every cell racing around in our body would have an example of a curve. Cells can bend slightly to travel via one another as their outer surface is malleable. Matter expands only to contract and perhaps if you thought about the cellular membrane of a cell and its deterioration rushing amongst other cells as cells die, we have an explanation of time. Space time warps our understanding where time exists as time exists in a curvature in space. If you then perhaps used the curvature of the head as an example of a curve in space you may physically be able to understand time with the ageing process and the different form your head takes from a baby through to an adult. Although, you may feel growing from a baby to an adult is a logical progression there is nothing normal about the development of human beings. 

We do have an understanding of time as a development of growth but although we die no understanding of decay. You cannot convince people they are ever going to die. We die a mortal death.



Friday, May 12, 2023

Time bends

Nicole Page-Smith writing and photographs

Time bends

If you look at the tectonic structure of water and where water has been then you could have invaluable planetary information about the surface of the Earth. Digging around in the Earth's crust would give you similar information to knowing the surface of water. The surface of water provides oxygen and we breathe but on a molecular level water could provide the clues needed. You could not imagine the surface of the molecular structure of water to reveal much information but like the crust of the Earth this will reveal the whole history of the planet from the beginning of water to the end of water. I could imagine the end of water could be an alarming thought but the human habitation of Earth would have long gone. The history of the planet Earth would be revealed in a handful of earth and the curve of the Earth would suggest the history of the molecular structure of water.

Taking our mind further past the curvature of the Earth to what the curvature of the Earth would then, reflect you could possibly associate the curvature of water to spacetime, time bends.



Friday, May 5, 2023

What is the geometry of water?

Nicole Page-Smith, writing and photographs

What is the geometry of water?

Falling, the ideas fell, fell to earth, falling but as matter is the earth, the mountains are the idea. Ideas fall like rain from the sky and the rain could be the ideas. Clouds and air evaporate from the earth rising in our continued cycle of clouds and air rising to form rain. The water going back into the clouds from the earth is similar to ideas rising to the clouds only to fall to the earth, falling like water falling through the clouds as rain. The ideas rain through your mind clouded with thinking and drift up to the clouds only to rain down again. The expansion of ideas expand only to contract and our ever expanding universe of ideas continues to accumulate like matter only to rain ideas from the clouds. Thoughts linger like rain.

Rain and snow are foremost on my mind but the clouds have blown away, off the hills with the birds. The clouds of thoughts like thinking absorb the rain only to drench the earth once again with their ideas of water and rain, but ah, the snow falling to earth. Howling winds on the ice batter your window and all night, rain, sleet and snow have fallen like ideas falling through your mind. Ideas are as the divine shape of snow flakes, ice crystals on your mind are temporary and soon melt away for other thoughts to float and assume geometric shapes. The wind roars through as though cold ice had frozen your ideas into place, preserving them like the rain and the perpetual, heaviness, ideas behaving like a virga, rain clouds evaporating the rain before it reaches the ground. Thoughts barely intuiting themselves into being and existing in a cloud of thinking not materialising past a vague feeling. The wind blows on and the snow flakes blow around forming individual thoughts melting with the rain into your mind, thinking.

Icicles appear to further form the snow flakes in your mind, crystallising the divine geometry of thoughts into your intellect. The cold ideas of clouds of heavy snow are an avalanche. Sliding, tumbling and falling down mountains of thought into a blizzard, whiteout, forming into hard ice and snow. How did the sacred understanding of thinking formalise into the geometry of God? The stars could tell you falling down from the heavens like snow falling to the earth. Will the stars one day fall out of heaven to make us understand God? The stars are ourselves, falling like the rain through time. Snowflakes, falling would describe God in the second it takes a snowflake to melt on your hand. The geometer is at work with the Platonic solid of water. All nature appears to inform your mind of a consciousness of God and the heavens, above. What is the geometry of water?