Sunday, August 28, 2016

A fragment of Christ

Nicole Page-Smith

A fragment of Christ

Ivory is of the body for it is milky. We are of the Spirit of the horn. Elephants run through your Spirit, in a primal way as the horn and tusks of an elephant grow, to express their age. The twirling and whirling is of the Spirit. Holy Spirits have the strength of an elephant. To get the inner resemblance of the milk of our blood, carving was used as a form of expression. Christ was used to express the Spirit in a similar way and the Spirit rushes through you. An elephant rushing through you is how God wants to approach you with the Spirit. The Crucifixion was clearing our pathway. God took our Spirit to Heaven by the body and this was a Christian view. We rest and lay in the church. An artist's purpose, use to be for the Christian altar and an artist is of the Spirit. The Spirit's vocation is of the church as the place of God is supposed to represent the body. The altar is what we worship. We are forked and pronged that way. Heaven is our body. Our body lives in Heaven at a Christian altar. We lay on the Cross. In a coffin, in the last days, a Cross, is placed on the floor. Heaven is to know where we rest. The sky above reflects our trespass but our nominated worth lay on the ground.

The church reflects our life and often, Christian churches are in the form of the Cross. Often a Saint or their remains are to celebrate our body and the church of rooms of worth. Other Christian fathers can sometimes be buried in a churchyard grave and this sometimes nominates the floor of the church. Our Spirit has to know the way of our brethren. Our body has to know the Earth and do not walk that way. Our Christian body is taken like a vessel to the church. The birth of our children are celebrated, the marriage and the final lay of the Cross, with life's blessing. We are of the body of Christ for the Lord. We reflect Heaven like the interior of a church. The interior light of a church is designed to reflect God. Our body enjoys the life of the Spirit. Flying through Heaven is our egress. We are eaten for the Lord to consume and a Cross, lay, beside our grave. We lead the way of the Spirt.

Our Spirit ascends to Heaven, from our body, when we die. Our body is to be consumed like the life of Jesus. As we ascend to Heaven with the development of our life our body crumbles with the stars. Love is the matter of the heart and like the matter of stardust, is golden, with the light of God. We drift as though cosmic matter through, the Universe, was our home. Our body resembles Jesus in the Spirit of the heart, for Jesus was heart. The heart of the human being, exists, suspended, in the love of God. We view the Saints room and speak of the tongue. The elephant visits our Spirit, primal, in the development and part god in the knowing of our heart. Jesus is the heart we know on the inside, thriving, in the ascension of man. We are in the development. Golden, sunshine, peers through the window. A small fragment of an old, ivory, Crucifix, speaks of the fragility of the heart. The Spirit, in the life of Jesus, is a temple in the church, knowing of God. We sit and listen to our heart murmuring. Our body and Christian ascension to God is a contemplation of the life of Jesus. Here, with the light of God shining through our church window, we become the matter of the heart and my Spirit fly onto Jesus.


Our body is like that of an elephant. We have teeth. We have a nose to smell. Taste is important while hearing and memory are elephantine. We are like the sight of an elephant with aging skin. A sense of balance has our primal animal sense in the knowing of thyself. How do animals anticipate themselves? They know in advance. Human beings like elephants are tusk in the knowing of God, their life is anticipated by age. We sag in the taste as flesh sags with an elephant and the enormous weight of gravity gives us wrinkles. Taste and smell are like honey, sweet and warm to touch. Warmed honey is for the vessel and a cup is offered to the gods. We are not to hear God trespass for this means we are dead. Christ lay dead on the Cross, when, he heard an angel cry. The Cross, was important to the tree. Rings on the husk of an elephant tell of the age like rings in the trunk of a tree. The trunk of an elephant grows like the trunk of a tree. We taste so sweet to God. 

Fragments of Christ have a sweet flavor because they speak of Christ and we are but fragments of the Lord, above. Our heart is of the heart of Jesus. Our body is that of a Saint. We saw the heart of Jesus. The heart of Jesus is in the pinewood. The smell of the sap attracts bees to the honey. Bees were used to cure the pages of the book. We illuminate the way. When, the bible speaks of Jesus, we think of the Devil, for Jesus had a heart, so sweet. The Devil is all too human in a book, especially in the bible. Devils were known to be esteeped in the honey or wax of another name. Why does the bible speak to our hearts about what it is to be human? The bible spoke to our hearts because we were born of the animals. Our primal nature never knew life so sweet and the taste of milk and honey. A heart of the milk is a heart of the honey. Babies are Christian born. Babies of the forest are cupids for the honey. The maiden is a maiden of honour. Our heart would be kept in a jar for sacred service. We are of the brethren of God. A Christian church holds the passage. Obey and serve God. We are of the foot of the Cross, and below high altarpieces, of the seraphim order. We are of a fragment of Christ.


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

The Earth

Nicole Page-Smith

The Earth

Love transcends our body. We walk through the gate, alone. Our body is a vehicle of expression and matter is all around us. Our primal Spirit takes us to God. Life embroils our Spirit with our body with Holy blood. The Spirit of God is our awakening. The body has departed our sight for we are in view of God. A Holy Spirit is our definition. The primal entanglement is the tree of ivory. The sap of the tree is the sap of Jesus and the honey of the tree. Wild bees to the honey pot are for the maiden. We are of the comb. We brush our hair as we are of the fur. Our body is of the goddess, or the goddess of Jesus. Death and the maiden did not occur in the forest that day for Jesus was of the honey. We are staked in the heart of Jesus. We are of the Cross and Crucified. The honey maiden was of the life of Jesus for she saw his body, the body of Christ, so sweetly. The body of Christ was of the milk, the creamy, sticky, stuff of the Spirit, Spirit honey for Jesus. Milk and honey are of the sap of the tree for they were mistaken. The body of Christ is of the tree for his coffin was made on the day of the death that Judgement Day occurred, the day of the Lord Jesus Christ and our Crucifixion. Our body is of the milk and poured out into the vessel like honey to the wine. Honey and ambrosia are the drink of the gods. Later, we bore wine, to celebrate God on God's day and a Holy day of the calendar. We spilt our blood and it was blood for the honey. God was Crucified on ascension day, for we performed libations. We drank of the wine and God bless.

The body writhed on the Cross, in pain of the Crucifixion, a bloodied ascension and the Holy, nails, were removed, by angels. Three days and nights, the storms of torrent, trespassed. The Spirit lay bare, on the Cross, of ascension. The rain poured down for the Holy Spirit. Tufts of fur were mangled and entwined with hair on the Cross. The fur was removed but bloody with gore. God was with the animals. Thrashing and writhing like Christ, on the Cross, on the day of ascension, our Spirit lays bare, for the body. Our hands were bound (by the hound of an animal) and fur was used in donation. Hands were healed with the wine of ascension, day. Hair and fur were mangled in the wounds of nail and seizure. Christ's name was removed from the Cross and it saw the fishes for the Cross. We ate of the bread, for the body. They ate of the sea but the sea was a long way away. The Black Sea is not fair to trespass. Gone is the ocean for the sea of Jesus and the water is not to be walked on, when it floods. We are flooded with the blood of Christ and the overwhelming of the Christian faith, our Crucifixion. Our Spirit was, blessed, by the rain.


Our primal awareness of our Christian blessing, from birth, matures with our body. However, the Spiritual development with the self is not necessarily related to the body. Maturing with the seven phases of being, our physical senses are alerted to the body with taste, smell, hearing and so forth, and this is our Christian birth. We are of the knowing of Christ in our body for we have hair. Down with the animals, God made us, for we walk in the garden. Our primal development hovers like wings for we are above the Earth. We live above the foot of the Cross, for the stones bore skulls. Skulls were born of our forefathers. We are primal in development like the animals. The Kingdom of Heaven is attainment but we are born of the Cross and live the life of Jesus. We are of the fur of an animal. Husks and horns, tiger born are of our knowing. We lie on a bear rug. We lie close to Jesus. Ascend your risen. Speak of myrrh. Eat sweet fruits and honey, the sweet cakes of ascension.

Our body never tasted so sweet. Christ was of the bees for ascension. Bees fly to their native nests and this is the heart of the matter. The wounds of Christ were placed with ambrosia and this was a sticky, healing, balm. Sticky are the wounds of Christ because they bore blood. We are of the blood of Christ and this is a sticky feeling. The wood of the Cross, was bound with cloth. This wax is replaced for frankincense and a, treacle in the sap. In the church on an altar is where a small altarpiece of Christ, lay, an altarpiece of carved Christ. Sap of the tree is as white as milk and honey for a carver is of the horn. Ivory for development is of the teeth. A tongue for the speech of Christ lay bare. The eye of Christ is used in the Saint's room. Eyes of the stone pierce you through. Yellow eyes are needed. We were given the elephant's skull. The horns of an elephant, fully grown, twirl like your fingernails, if manicuring. The horns of husk of an elephant should never be trimmed. Only those of a Christian development were used for Christ on Christening, day. We are blessed with the memory of Christ like the memory of an elephant.

Elephants never forget. We could never forget Christ because he was Crucified. The barbaric act of the horn is the horn of plenty. Ivory was the trade for milk white is the body of Christ on ascension, day. The flag of ascension was white and blew in the wind to show the direction of the Spirit of Christ. The direction of the wind saw wilderness. The blue of the Earth reflects the sea and the blue of the sky is seen on a clear blue day. White ivory was used on the altar for it turned the colour of honey for the maiden, a sugary sweet ascension for Jesus. We are married in white, on ascension, day, to the altar so, white. We are only married to the church for ascension. God talks about the love of the Lord, steeples were formed, to filter our love, to the Lord and our love travelled upward as though sucked through a funnel. The horn of plenty is Moses. Horns were used to nominate the worth of an elephant, so big. Christ rose in ascension although images of the Lord were a small offering. Small altarpieces, carved in ivory, nominate ascension and speak of the Lord. Our body dressed for the Lord is the church steeple. We live a full life for the church, on Sunday, to praise and nominate the Lord. White is the angel and our body is our Spirit. They lay the tiles of the church. As your angel flies, you find mercy, in God and others, and the Lord. The Spirit finds reward in Heaven while our body trespasses, the Earth.


Wednesday, August 17, 2016

It is the matter of the heart

Nicole Page-Smith

It is the matter of the heart

Emancipated, the body lay on the Cross. Had we forgotten God? The body is the matter of the love of God and Christ died for our Sin. Our Spirit goes to God in ascension of the Spirit of God and there is no longer a need for the body. Our bodies were ascended, at birth, to God, for the Spirit to find its way back home, to Heaven. We have the chemistry of God for the Spirit to find water and we ascend like rainclouds, water from the rivers and the oceans, up to the sky. Our bodies walk on water like the Christ figure. Our bodies need nourishment, love and water as a plant needs water. God was ascended and tried to teach us the miracle of the birth of Jesus. We breathe the oxygen of the Spirit and the Spirit vapourizes as we speak the word of God. You can imagine love drifting up with the rainclouds and taking our love, to Heaven in the sky. A Heaven on Earth is supposed to equal all of nature including the human race. Our body lay bare and naked to God's love. 

Naked to the Lord, the body is for all to see. In clothes we are one with the Lord so, God have us, lie down. We are at the foot of the grave, a sign of the Cross. We are above the tomb. Our body lay down for Jesus, Jesus is where he lay and the Lord is our body, the body of Christ. We are the tomb or the grave. Our body lay down and lay down for Jesus. We are Christ, in the grave, for he has ascended. We are of the body of Christ. The tomb is our body, for the tomb lay barren, for an empty, ascension. Our Spirit lay bare. We had ascended at the foot of the Cross where, Mary, lay bare, to the Cross or ascension. Our Spirit is the wind and the trespass. We thresh the hold or are the threshold, for Christ. We are wormwood, for our body is to die. The grave and the wooden husk is our body. A coffin is the grave, for the dead. We are of the churchyard for Christ where ascension service was performed. We are the church and the Father and Holy Ghost, his dove. We were ascended with Mary as with the Holy Spirit where, she lay and God lay down. Mary died for Jesus. The Spirit is our passage and our passage for Jesus and it is graven. The tomb lay bare for our Spirit has already ascended. 

We lay veiled in our body. We eat of the cup. We taste the bread. We are sacred to our body. We are of the cloth and our body is of the bread. When, the Sun and the stars, and the moon, are all in alignment, the cloth blows in the breeze. We are of the tomb of Christ but not dead in ascension. Christ lay down. Our Spirit ascended awhile, ago. The body is no longer with us for we have past through Armageddon and the End of the World took place on ascension, day. We are of the Spirit of Christ, for he is one with the Lord, one Spirit and one body. One, bread, we eat and this is the body, the body of Christ. On the day of the Lord an angel did say. Devils and monsters, the damned and damnation, all rose up, on the day of the dead. The day was near. Ascension colors were noticed. Four angels did appear and took Christ by wing. We are the day of ascension.

Our heart hangs on the Cross in memory of Jesus and our primal instinct is to love God. Our Spirit flies to God in the memory of who we are and we can find a Holy place on Earth we call Heaven. Sometimes Heaven finds us first. Our body is taken to God, by the dove, who flies, in the Heaven, above. Our engagement with the body, to take our love through the heart of Jesus, to God, trespasses the Spirit. Here, the godly entanglement is primal to the point of a heightened emotional state of awareness. The Spirit becomes Divine matter. Particles of Divine matter float up to the sky with every breath. Our love transcends. Our life's involvement with the body includes the triumph of the Spirit over death, the Crucifixion. There is a battle of life over death, to find Heaven. Heaven on high is the love of God and should just pierce your heart, through. We walk through. Our body finds the love of God, spiritually. The tomb has long since been empty. 

We are like a fragment, of the body, of Christ. We carry Christ's blood, Holy particles. Our body is the vehicle of Christ. The gate our heart faces is like the gate of the cemetery. We are waiting for our heart to be ascended. The Spirit faces our physical life and a hollow in our heart. Owls fly around at night as though they take our breath away and are synonymous with the flight of the Spirit. Our body has no material wealth for the Lord, above. When the heart ascends God, we have achieved the golden light. Our body is like the empty tomb. We are ascended for God in our love and the body. Our blood is linked with the Spirit when, the blood stops flowing we die and the Spirit flies on, to God. Particles of Spirit seem to drift up to God during our lifetime, to find Heaven. We disintegrate in the knowing of loving the Lord and it is the matter of the heart. 


Wednesday, August 10, 2016

God is the matter of the Spirit

Nicole Page-Smith

God is the matter of the Spirit

On the darkened night of the Cross, in the forest, the Cross lay bare as Christ has been Crucified. The darkened forest night, lit by the moon, with owls flying through, was of a church service for God. You could imagine the church altar at night. The Cross, lay bare, in the forest, a wooden Cross as though inside the church and later houses of worship housed the wood, a tree in the knowing. The church was protected from the forest but the woods are not protected from Satan. Snakes are frequent in the forest. Do not enter the forest and send in the forest workers. You are an organ for the forest where, the music is made. Trees tower like the cathedral and the Cross, on the altar, may sing. The church by night has the moon and starlight flow through the windowpanes. Church windows, by day, give you a spiritual feeling when, through blue glass, light shines and leaves a reflection. Do not let the Devil knock at your window. There could be owls and bats around the church, by night. Church graveyards have the spirits travel, through. Sacred at night, is the Devil, to the trespasser. Go to church on Sunday. As woodworm gnaw at the Cross at the altar, Jesus becomes a Saint and God bless the Virgin Mary, we are blessed by the window pane. The light continues to filter through you churchyard.

On the clear, lit, night, you can see the church steeple, in the moonlight. Our body of worth is the church and God shines down on us. We are jeweled and our bodies resinate, we glisten like the due on a frosty dawn. The church is our pinnacle of achievement. Jesus Christ was our name for Christ. Spiritually we elevate in thinking to a point of ascension known to man, our heart soars up through our inner cathedral. Flying buttresses connect the sides of the church to your heart's lining, our spiritual body. Painted with murals and altar paintings as with the inside of a church, our inner Spirit transcends the message of God, and glows there. We have an inner Spirit known to God and this shines like ivory or cool, white, marble. As we are blown around like a storm on a windy night, spiritually, to realize attainment, we realize God and step outside the church. Do not step out of your heart on a windy night. The Spirit of Jesus was taken to God via the heart. The Holy Spirit knows thee and God flies forth.

We are of the body as the body, is known, to Jesus. We are clothed for we are of the cloth. The cloth was bound. We are of the Cross, for Jesus and the Cross lay bare, in the forest. We see the Cross, of the light of Jesus. The cloth is of the book. The cloth, covered, book is reminiscent of the shroud, the shroud of virtue for the book. Christ was ascended in the human being and the angels took his body, the angels took the body of Jesus, from the Cross. Cloth covered Jesus and shrouded in the cloth of Jesus is how we lead our life. We are all of the heart of Jesus and the body of God. We are nailed to a tree. We are clothed for we are rounded, rounded like the foot of the Cross. Cloth is our clothes for this means the book. Our name is written on the cloth that shrouded Jesus. The body of Christ left an imprint on the shroud. The book of Jesus is a known book. Our body. Cloth covered Jesus to cover his name, the name of Jesus Christ. We breathe with the love of Christ in our lungs. Nature contains the God you are looking for. In oxygen we breathe the Spirit of God, the matter of the Spirit. 

There is a chemical matter of the Spirit and the equation equals Christ's blood. We are all of the Lamb of Christ. There were libations. The vessel is the Holy vessel of Christ. Holy nails signify the significance of the body of Christ and the body of Jesus is the vessel, the Spirit. The body. The vessel. The Spirit. The matter of the Spirit is blood. The heart of Jesus contains our heart for Jesus is love. Our Holy Spirit contains matter, the Spirits connection with God. The dove is Divine. Our body is contained as a vessel is contained for Christ. Divine chemistry is needed for the Spirit to find Heaven. We are all intrinsically linked with our primal Spirit. Human beings are aware of God from birth and this is by the Spirit. One connection with other human beings takes us to matters of the heart, the flagellation of Christ. Christ loved the people because he loved God so, sacrificed himself for the people. Christ gave his body willing to the Cross, a libation. An ascension service of Christ was donated in the sermon known in the bible. The fishes and loaves are the bread. We are of the body of Christ because we sacrifice our love.  

We hang on the Cross, for Christ. Our love is sacrificed for God and we are of the body of Christ. We are of the bread. We are of the wind for the cloth of the Spirit and thunder and lightening reigned that day. Our flesh is torn from the Cross, with passing ravens of carrion Cross and vulture meat. Our Spirt is torn like the cloth. We see Jesus, on the Cross like an old museum or church altar piece where, real cloth has decayed over years of time, on display and when, carved into marble, we notice the cloth is to cover the body. The body lay bare in the ground and naked to the tomb but, for a cloth to cover. Nature is of the tree, another, cloth bound book. When, a Cross is placed in the landscape, a connection between Heaven and Earth, our religion is to embrace the sky and when, a religious icon, of the Lord, is placed on an altar, we are faced by the cloth, our naked embrace. Nature and the Spirit are the matter of God, pure Spirit, conjoined. Sky and the heavens allow us to breathe. God is the matter of the Spirit.


Thursday, August 4, 2016

Christ was Crucified for Jesus

Nicole Page-Smith

Christ was Crucified for Jesus

We are of the body of Christ and our Spirit knows depth. We face the open sky and our Spirit is blue. Our Spirit knows the Cross. Our heart feels. We face the Spirit in Christ. The depth of our Spirit knows the body, for we are of the body of Christ. Christians know the feet for this is where the heart lay, at the foot of the Cross. We lay our heart at the foot of the Cross, in a Christian way, to be observed by God. We feel the heart of God, in our love for him. Christ is where we lay our heart, in reverence. We are sacred to God in our body, for our body has the depth of the heart. We feel. Our Spirit is Crucified for God. Our Spirit knows egress and is taken to God. There is love we feel in our heart and the love knows no bounds. We are of the body of Christ. Our love travels by ascension and unites with God, there. Angels speak your name, to your heart and bodies know ascension, an elevation of the heart where, the depth of the feeling goes through you. Angels take you to your Spirit. Gods take you to your body and we lay in fear of God, for our heart knows no other love. Love is pure ascension as it speaks of your heart. 

Love speaks of your feet for you are Christ and Christ hung there on the Cross. For three days and nights birds of prey with crows and ravens were made to wheel around with vultures and eagles with birds that anticipate death like owls who feed at night, and swoop and kill. They were staked in the forest, three for the carrion's hill, two criminals and Jesus. Crosses were staked and made of forest wood for Jesus Christ where he lay down in a coffin. Blackfriars were used to remove with pincers the ironwork. Draped and clothed with cloth and tied up, accordingly, Christ lay in his tomb, on the Cross and down in the cave he lay for wild bests to participate with. The Sin was to cover the cave with a rock, the rock of Jesus and mother Mary lay down and died with the knowledge of her son. Satan was not part of the work for we are talking of the Christ figure for Jesus and this is where he lay down and died, died of ascension. Angels were needed to carry the Cross, carry the Cross, for Jesus. White angels were needed for ascension like no other angels of God. Satan pecked their eyes out so they could not see death and the black wings associated with the plague. Our body knows no other disease than love and we do not Sin for Jesus. Ascension candles will be needed at Easter.

Black is the cloth. Christ was covered for the day of mourning. He was blackened from the Sin of Jesus. Christ bore his name and saw it on the Cross. Shrouded was the life of Jesus. Black was where he lay in a blackened tomb for it was dark. Life arose from Jesus in ascension. Christ was born of heavenly angels. Christ was shrouded on the day of death. There was a Sabbath. On the day of the Cross, the sky grew dark as if in ascension. There was to be an eclipse of the moon with the Sun and it grew dark. Night shone brightly on the day of ascension and the moon was covered in shadow. Clouds and storms of the night covered a favoring moon of the worth for Jesus. For Jesus lay down the Cross and was taken, taken to the tomb and buried accordingly. Shrouded by the light of Jesus. The day of the Lord was upon us and it was Judgement Day of the Lord. We lay down for Jesus as he lay down. We eat the bread and we are of the body of Jesus. Christ was Crucified for our Sin, the love of Jesus. Black was black friars day on the day of the Lord. We wore white for we were the Carmelite nuns and sisters, be of mercy. God place a lily on his grave.


We are provided for with Resurrection and lilies on the grave, they pay worth, to symbolize the trumpet. God heard the angels. The darkened day on Earth grew flowers for the death and Resurrection of Christ. Springtime noticed, the spinning for the toil. The fields were laden with lilies, a flower of the Earth. We are fated by God as the spinning of fate provides. The words of God via the heart of Jesus were of the cloth, clothed and to provide. Our body is of the cycle of Spring where, nature provides her bounty. The lilies were cut fresh for his grave. To speak of Resurrection is to involve the knowledge of the Crucifixion and the lily bows her head. Tombs are black for the Crucifixion and then you are arisen from your grave, the tomb lay bare where Jesus lay. Lilies trumpet our worth in the knowledge of the death of Christ. We are ascended to our body and are clothed where Christ lay down and was cloaked with a veiling cloth. Our body is our provision.

There are seven places in the body and correspond to the seven universes. There are seven eyes of the Lord and these are referred to in the bible. There are seven places on the Cross and these are what we refer to. There was a staking in the forest, for stakes were needed. Metal was needed for the name on the Cross. A cross iron was needed to hold the cross bar. Our arms were needed for the iron work and the pincers. Holy nails were for the Cross. Ten inches was needed for the grave. God was needed for an angel and was spread of both arms of the Cross. Our head is not needed for the grave. Nails are not needed for our eyes. The bush of thorns was not the same bush. Tombs are for a hired hand. Black is the day of Crucifixion for the Lord and the day he died. God killed Jesus for Christ and God have mercy on the Lord. The day of ascension is near. It was dark in the forest that day and the darkest day on Earth. Christ was Crucified for Jesus.
