Friday, March 21, 2025

Exist for space

Nicole Page-Smith

Exist for space

Time is the element of God and we are, we are one, one for God. God has you realise who-you-are in the face of the Lord, one time, tick tock goes the clock and you are once, one time, in front of the Lord. The one moment you realise yourself.

You are God in time and know the clock. The clock is time in the face of knowing and to know God, you are one with him. We have only been on the Earth once, for one lifetime. You, yourself would know God. We realise we are one with time and God upon knowing the Lord. There is one God to know and the same reason, we know time.

How can we know time when we exist? We exist in time. Man seems to have had a need to record time and the day or night passing from one day to the next. Stonehenge looks like a big old clock for the changing of the seasons, a prehistoric watch similar to the first computers. Why the need to exist in time? We are time in the knowing of time but only exist for God. The cyclical spinning of the planets for billions of years will continue to an end while human beings exist in a non existence of time. To be is an existence but time has no existence. We exist for time and God to not exist for space.


Thursday, March 13, 2025

We are one God

Nicole Page-Smith

We are one God

We travel to the infinite and find God in time. God is present and has an omnipresence. An omnipresence of God is the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit guides us. Time stops just before the infinite and at the end of finite numbers we reach the infinite, an understanding of time. God ticks away and is time.

Gravity pulls us to our feet and we actually walk on a slope appearing to stand upright. You are pulled one way or the other depending on what side of the equator you live on; the equator is like a magnet through the centre of the Earth and causes the Earth to spin like a top in space. Our gravity pulls at our own centre of gravity and tends to have us slope sideways or bend forwards, to walk. Old age is not the only thing pulling us towards the earth, God ticks at the clock reminding you of his divine day or night. The divine presence of God is time, itself. God is the right time to be and we are one with God. One God, one world and the monastic vision of God. We live in a Christian view of the world and in the one time, we need to, the present. Time is how long you have for this moment in time. We live, we live the life of God and the one time we need to, you are, you are one. The finite number three is the trinity for God. We are, we are one.

The one time we need God, God is. God is one and one God for the God is time. Time is a god and ticks like the clock, ticking for God and the clock. We are one God.


Monday, March 3, 2025

Infinite, infinity

Nicole Page-Smith

Infinite, infinity

Matter curls around our mind like space and the galaxies exist as they have existed since their beginning. Stars are born into the cosmos but move around one another in constellations, we reflect, in our Solar System. We reflect the stars we see above us but also the stars below our feet. Star paths are there, to guide us. The stars reflect the earth. We are physically moved by the stars in heaven as matter is moved in space and seen to dance, dance the pathway of stars.  If we were in the heavens and alive, spacecraft may have to avoid the large rock formations of space. We would not survive space for very long although you may not age at all. Time ticks away on Earth telling us the time of gravity, gravity almost holds time but matter curbs space. The planets simply need space to travel past one another and create gravity. You could imagine falling through space but there is zero gravity in space due to gravity. Orbiting planets are a constellation in space. The Sun is like a blackhole in reverse and attracts its planets. We spin on an axis, the axis of space and time.

Gravity pulls on you while time and space travel around you as though passing spacecraft. We are gravity in the reverse of matter and almost age as the result of starlight. Spinning in our cosmos we are gravity and time pulling on one another. We tear ourselves apart by living and aging on the Earth. Matter cannot exist with time. Gravity bends space to accomodate time but time cannot exist in space. Spinning causes the momentum of time.

The clock spins out of control and in space the infinite would be reached too quickly, going beyond the human, finite, understanding of time. To hit the void beyond infinity is beyond human. We only travel so far and although, the galaxy we live in is infinite we can only comprehend a beginning and an end or all the finite numbers to infinity. The Big Bang could be cyclical but could equally have occurred out of the void of space, an expanding and contracting of matter like breathing and, the expanding and, contracting of the lungs. We breathe our universe and a cosmos of stars while the Milky Way travels all the way down to our Solar System of planets circulating the Sun and shine. We shine for God. 

God and the stars shine down on you. You may wonder what happened before the stars and the Milky Way and our constellations of being. We lived, we lived to shine, we lived the life. Can a universe have an age? Time goes beyond the infinite.

Infinite, infinity.



Friday, February 28, 2025

On the clock

Nicole Page-Smith

On the clock

We are human in time. Time and gravity are intertwined but time does not exist in space because of gravity. However, without gravity, time would have nothing to cling to so, time needs gravity. Human beings are an example of gravity and the result of gravity and time. Gravity holds us to the planet Earth like our lives. Gravity warps time in space.

The forcefield of gravity in space does not allow time to exist and almost squeezes time out of space. If we were a history, we could allow a knowledge of a past, present and future but without one we do not exist. We as a human race do not exist in space, either but the physical lack of human beings in outer space does not devalue our history but simply means we do not have a history of human beings in space. Time warps all space like gravity and gets rid of itself or does not exist on its own. Stars and planets dying cause a hole in the cosmos and dark space. The dark matter of the cosmos is the substance human beings are made out of along with the rest of the Solar System. Can we exist to not exist through the darkened end of the galaxy we inhabit? Our end of the galaxy is older than its beginning because it is further away. The Milky Way is our origin at the beginning of time but not space. Time cannot exist in space.

Time cannot exist in matter. The space surrounding objects does not have a time but the air we breathe is matter. Larger objects in space attract gravity and time is not anything able to exist with gravity. We are pulled to the earth and die as a result of gravity but not time. Do we live forever in our minds for we do not die for matter? The time, ticks away, on the clock. 


Thursday, February 20, 2025

Human beings

Nicole Page-Smith

Human beings

Dreaming, another, dream, time is like the alarm clock. We wake to the birds and consciousness fills our whole being with life. Waking, we dream of the day and are sleepy. Loud consciousness wakes us up as the day progresses and dreams are our state of being. Time, ticks, away.

We can be read like a clock-face and every cell describes our history. Former generations inhabit our veins with their ancestral linage. Thundering relatives have their voice but cannot be heard and time seems of no importance to their existence. Were you your former ancestors? Time goes by but may as well be going back to former generations.

A history of the galaxies and universe has you imagining time in the reversal to a moment or a finite number to an end of space but not time. You feel the beginning of our Milky Way came from a void in space or a nothing. So, how could we begin from nothing? We are. Human beings begin but from the substance of former generations like a substance of flesh, we are from their every being. Human beings materialise from a substance of flesh but you no sooner believe you are your ancestors than can imagine what they were like if you had not met them. You feel your relations inside your veins and possibly react to situations as they would have done during their lives. Who are we and why do we materialise from space, the space of nothing? Human beings.


Saturday, February 15, 2025


Nicole Page-Smith


We die into our life but live the life of a dream as time exists on Earth. Dreaming we become one with the Lord and human. The human race is only here on Earth because of time otherwise we would not exist. Gravity holds us to the Earth. 

Gravity has us stand upright while our dreams float up to the sky, floating, heavenly. If gravity did not exist, we would fall apart and float away, suspended in the void of space. All of space appears suspended because of gravity and moves in constellation with itself. Moving, our bodies dance as though gravity moves us and our bodies. Stars, shining the dream of life, beam, light, down, upon us, at night while we sleep. Dreaming, we perceive time but float off to the angels of dreams. The waking dream is our life.

Earth is not our home any more than, the Milky Way and the planets continue to rotate on their axis as a result of the cosmos and an older part of the universe, in which we live. Waking we dream, the dream. Our life opens to a galaxy of ideas but stars hold our thoughts, for eternity. We are of the stars and God but an organic, liquid rock as gravity holds us. We could equal the stars, our heaven and be born of the angels. Stars, dream our dream and beam their light down to you, at night with the moon. Rising planets glow a stronger orange or white and hang on the moon until sunrise. Waking and dreaming, we live the life of God but, dream. If you live your dreams, you become your dreams, dreaming.


Friday, February 7, 2025

We only live to die

Nicole Page-Smith

We only live to die

Time is our creation and we created time to understand a history but there is no time or history in space, it is and becomes of itself. Most of space is born of itself or budded like roses. Stellular substance creates stars and stars are born while planets are created of smaller rock formations gathering dust and earth as they spin and acquire gravity. Planets travel slower than stars and accumulate less gravity. Gravity is like the speed of light.

If time is gravity, we are space for the volume of space acquires gravity. We were born of space as though spacetime bore us. Gravity is not our friend as we die and it kills human beings or causes weight. Gravity is only applicable to weight over mass.

Time is only applicable to gravity upon mass with a human being or object in space. We float off as though in time or space but do not have a history. Time does not exist in space because of the volume of space. The universe and galaxies have no history because of gravity and the spinning of the planets on an axis. Galaxies of stars have been in our Milky Way for lightyears and although occasionally they die and are born again do not speak of an existence. Human beings do not exist in spacetime for their time on Earth is brief. The timelessness of our galaxy has been the same since its inception and floated off with the stars. The weight of the Milky Way in space causes gravity. Gravity is our weight. 

A weight of time. Time weighs upon us as though time were our shoulders dragging us to the earth. Gravity is heavier than time. As our aging bodies are pulled further to the earth by the weight of age, gravity is our final weight. We are human to die and have adapted to living on Earth with gravity. Time gives us purpose.

We only live to die.