Saturday, February 15, 2025


Nicole Page-Smith


We die into our life but live the life of a dream as time exists on Earth. Dreaming we become one with the Lord and human. The human race is only here on Earth because of time otherwise we would not exist. Gravity holds us to the Earth. 

Gravity has us stand upright while our dreams float up to the sky, floating, heavenly. If gravity did not exist, we would fall apart and float away, suspended in the void of space. All of space appears suspended because of gravity and moves in constellation with itself. Moving, our bodies dance as though gravity moves us and our bodies. Stars, shining the dream of life, beam, light, down, upon us, at night while we sleep. Dreaming, we perceive time but float off to the angels of dreams. The waking dream is our life.

Earth is not our home any more than, the Milky Way and the planets continue to rotate on their axis as a result of the cosmos and an older part of the universe, in which we live. Waking we dream, the dream. Our life opens to a galaxy of ideas but stars hold our thoughts, for eternity. We are of the stars and God but an organic, liquid rock as gravity holds us. We could equal the stars, our heaven and be born of the angels. Stars, dream our dream and beam their light down to you, at night with the moon. Rising planets glow a stronger orange or white and hang on the moon until sunrise. Waking and dreaming, we live the life of God but, dream. If you live your dreams, you become your dreams, dreaming.


Friday, February 7, 2025

We only live to die

Nicole Page-Smith

We only live to die

Time is our creation and we created time to understand a history but there is no time or history in space, it is and becomes of itself. Most of space is born of itself or budded like roses. Stellular substance creates stars and stars are born while planets are created of smaller rock formations gathering dust and earth as they spin and acquire gravity. Planets travel slower than stars and accumulate less gravity. Gravity is like the speed of light.

If time is gravity, we are space for the volume of space acquires gravity. We were born of space as though spacetime bore us. Gravity is not our friend as we die and it kills human beings or causes weight. Gravity is only applicable to weight over mass.

Time is only applicable to gravity upon mass with a human being or object in space. We float off as though in time or space but do not have a history. Time does not exist in space because of the volume of space. The universe and galaxies have no history because of gravity and the spinning of the planets on an axis. Galaxies of stars have been in our Milky Way for lightyears and although occasionally they die and are born again do not speak of an existence. Human beings do not exist in spacetime for their time on Earth is brief. The timelessness of our galaxy has been the same since its inception and floated off with the stars. The weight of the Milky Way in space causes gravity. Gravity is our weight. 

A weight of time. Time weighs upon us as though time were our shoulders dragging us to the earth. Gravity is heavier than time. As our aging bodies are pulled further to the earth by the weight of age, gravity is our final weight. We are human to die and have adapted to living on Earth with gravity. Time gives us purpose.

We only live to die.


Saturday, February 1, 2025

We become

Nicole Page-Smith

We become

One time there was space and in no time was there gravity on Earth. We cause the gravity on Earth by being here on the planet, Earth. Gravity is every step and walking causes the friction with the earth needed to stand upright, so we stand. We stand for the one God in one time equalling the Lord above and a heaven in the knowing of God. We stand up.

We are one, one with the Lord. Time is gravity and perhaps the mass of time elapsed between the beginning of our universe and the history of the planet Earth would cause our gravity as the Earth spins on its axis, accumulating a population mass. Gravity is caused by the mass of space.

As time is warped and gravity pulls the planets circulating around the Sun on their axis like the constellation of the Solar System is a toy being twirled by the Milky Way and God, we attract gravity. Earth appears to have been born from the blackhole in the Milky Way along with the stars and meteorites. You would wonder if the Big Bang somehow in sucking the galaxy into a single point cleansed the planet of anything upsetting the cosmos. Did our constellation of stars and planets spinning around the Sun survive the contradiction of matter? We are a divine example of space and how the universe works, matter expands only to contract like a boiling kettle letting off steam. The mass of gravity around our Solar System of planets and the Sun is their rotation. Did the Big Bang as it is known really occur or was the fast reduction of gravity as with time the cause of existence? We may as well have been born of nothing and the void of space, pushed into a form because of gravity. We were born, born of one and born of the one time we knew, knew the Lord, if we were born of the blackhole of space. To be born of nothing is how we are created, we become.


Saturday, January 25, 2025

Time in space equals one

Nicole Page-Smith

Time in space equals one

The Milky Way seemed to spew forth from a blackhole like an explosion suspended as our universe. Time was reduced to zero. We exist in constellations of planets and stars, spinning. The universe has our galaxy of stars dance around the Sun as though in joy of bright light but also another blackhole, extinguished. Constellations have spun, continually, spinning on an orbit around the Sun for the finite understanding of time, to infinity but a time not in existence in space where existence is infinite in a variation of time. Our blackhole is the beginning and end of the universe in one. Time reduced to the void of space only to continue again with gravity is the beginning of time. We stood still to live or to die and to venture into the space of a knowing of space and, time. Gravity is our only understanding of space for we die and stand on the earth.

The physics of space and the combustion of stars and planets causing energy happens on Earth in a volcano but similar to how the Milky Way was created along with our universe, accumulated matter was a result of the Big Bang and kept spinning on its axis in a constellation of planets and the Sun. Water is the key to our planets survival for without water human beings cannot function. Water has not always been on planet Earth and may one day disappear again but not while human habitation of the Earth is still in existence. We are responsible for the Earth's atmosphere and a reduction in the population of the human race will change the atmosphere on Earth, there will still be clouds, air and the fire of Earth or its combustion. Water cools the Earth in time but also raises the temperature of the clouds causing precipitation. We rain to Earth, in time as with the physics of a blackhole. Earth is our example of gravity.

Gravity is time. The reduction of time occurs only in the centre of a blackhole. We circulate the universe because of the Milky Way. Planets spin on an axis and circulate the Sun with a Christian view where the Sun is God or the infant Jesus, a constellation of five points in the stars. Gravity warps our sense of time to the point of not existing or a non-existence, we would not have existed in our universe if you understood spacetime and its relation to gravity or time. How could we not have existed in time or space? We do not exist for God for we are God, in the existence of God. Have faith in yourself to believe in time for gravity is not on your side. The lack of time in space equals one.


Monday, January 20, 2025

Time and space are finite

Nicole Page-Smith

Time and space are finite

The moment of our present point in time flies off with the birds and keeps flying with the clouds to reach the heavens. Stars glide by with the comets and shooting stars to reach the moment of time known to all but assumed by none. Present angels surround you every day flapping and tripping you up so you pay them attention. Have you talked to your angel today? Angels fly and keep flying from the heavens in anticipation of you, flying. Flying with the angels we find space, sometimes in outer space with the heavens or the space surrounding us. The air we breathe fills space.

Breathing in, we are at one time full of air only to breathe out. Space has you breathe oxygen in vast open spaces or lacking in air in confined spaces. Air is another form of the reversal of an expansion. As your lungs breathe in and out oxygen expands. If there was too much oxygen there would be an explosion of air but too much air is not anything as human beings, we currently, experience. The air you breathe is pure oxygen and the expansion of the lungs can explain breath but not how we fill space. Time needs matter to exist. In the heavens we are stars for God but on Earth we are oxygen and breathe. Space is void of time and oxygen but chemical changes in the atmosphere of space can cause something akin to the air we breathe, changing from planet to planet. We fill a space like a creature too big for the Earth. Air fills a void but not in space, we fill the void of space as nebula do, expanding and contracting to exist in space. Oxygen impregnates space filled air and we breathe. Time floats past centuries and on air as on the angel wing. Time is the angel of time. Time is an angel.

The angel, time is upon us and we transpire. Flapping hard on the wings of time, space has its angel, too. The space surrounding objects in space is our angel and the angel is time. The space encircling human beings is like the universe at large and we created the space by an angel. We are a universe but are space and time. We exist in a space in time so in affect we are space-time, orbiting our Solar System along with the planets, stars and comets. Space and time were created with our universe and the creation of our cosmos during the Big Bang. God created a space and time for mortal souls to exist. We exist in time and space to float off with the angels while gravity holds us on Earth. God created gravity along with space and time so we are like a buoy out at sea and are unable to land on our feet. The space around us is our universe. The Milky Way floats in suspended space but we float in time, together floating with our angel. The angels float with us propping us up when we fall. Floating we are angel, space and time, floating. Our universe is infinite and space and time stop just short of infinity. Time is the angel flying through space like a ray of light and the sunshine, shines upon us. At the end of time, we will meet the beginning of our universe. Universes are for infinity and our cosmos is infinite in variation. The beginning of our galaxy, the Milky Way, was formed several billions of years ago and travelled towards time but has not ever really reached the space just before time existed. Time and space are finite.



Thursday, December 19, 2024

The present moment is all we have

Nicole Page-Smith

The present moment is all we have

For matter to hold a memory gravity is needed and time. To bend time into a curvature is why we exist. Existence is caused by matter and time. We are a physical mass as human beings existing in space. We exist in a history of ourselves and time is needed to have gravity pull us to the earth. We would float off to the void of space without gravity in a timelessness not known to matter. Gravity without matter is space. Spacetime will be our only saviour. Matter exists in time. Time and matter are space but not time. Matter exists in space.

The sky, the universe and clouds all roll into one glorious galaxy of being and we are the matter of space. Matter floated to Earth one day and we were planted in the garden, God's creation along with the animals. Plants and animals are very similar in that they grow, the human race is more a contraction of matter in its reduction. Our bodies almost grow in reverse of growth or the expansion of matter and are like spacetime. Gravity holds us together in space. 

Stars and shooting stars fall to Earth like meteorites and asteroids, we are stardust in the garden of Christ. Stars may fall but rarely reach Earth and are the vastness of space. Time's reduction in space is the result of dying stars creating a blackhole. Time creates space and the emptiness of space in the void is due to anti-matter or zero gravity. We float in a timelessness as seeds and pollen may float in the air in Spring. Fairies and dandelion seeds float on the wind, on hot days, in the Summer. We may float in time but are only held together in gravity to make us stand upright. If we were vertical we could eventually assume another form because of the pressure of the Earth's atmosphere. Gravity pulls us to the earth but we live not in fear of gravity but as the result of gravity and matter. We need time to cling to so a past and future exist for us but they do not, the present moment is all we have.


Monday, December 16, 2024

Matter creates time

Nicole Page-Smith

Matter creates time

The heartbeat of the universe is the Sun as light travels. The speed of light is faster than the speed of sound but light does not travel in space. We are a result of our own light, emanating through our being. The void of space cancels all we know on Earth but not really cancels any matter as matter has nothing to cling onto and floats with zero gravity. A voice would be inaudible and the creation of the universe would have had no sound but a feeling of compression. All of space was reduced to the void of nothing and this is all our Solar System knows to do, reduce time and space. Matter expands only to contract. When there is too much matter in space the universe contracts and although there are undefined boundaries of space matter can only exist in a certain volume of space, then it explodes. Human beings are only an example of an expansion of matter in that they grow, accumulating matter as the Earth spins on its axis. Beating hearts are one, in space and we are almost created by the energy of the Sun and, like a plant, grow to become a reduction of matter but, not time. Growing and dying in space is our pastime. When human beings die, they do not become anti-matter for decomposition causes matter or heat like compost, we dissolve into the earth. Anti-matter and matter exist in the dark matter of space.

The curvature of your clock face gives you an understanding of time in space and all human beings need to know about matter or the dark matter of space. Time and matter bend in space and their relationship is spacetime. Time is not necessarily warped but does not exist in space. Matter causes time.

Human beings have a history but matter has a memory. Time curves because of matter but matter causes time. Matter has to almost bend to allow time to pass by it, caused by gravity. The memory matter holds is "the human race". Our Solar System has gone through something similar to the Big Bang several times but what causes the rapid reduction of matter is time. Time cannot exist in space. Curving and bending time with spacetime and the death of blackholes causes an explosion. Stars die and cause such a massive hole in the universe nothing can escape their gravity. Planets spin and stars are born. We are not sucked into a blackhole more than spat out. Blackholes cause the reduction of matter, time. Cancelling time, matter also creates time in its memory. Time and space exist quite happily together except around matter. Matter creates time.