Nicole Page-Smith
Exist for space
Time is the element of God and we are, we are one, one for God. God has you realise who-you-are in the face of the Lord, one time, tick tock goes the clock and you are once, one time, in front of the Lord. The one moment you realise yourself.
You are God in time and know the clock. The clock is time in the face of knowing and to know God, you are one with him. We have only been on the Earth once, for one lifetime. You, yourself would know God. We realise we are one with time and God upon knowing the Lord. There is one God to know and the same reason, we know time.
How can we know time when we exist? We exist in time. Man seems to have had a need to record time and the day or night passing from one day to the next. Stonehenge looks like a big old clock for the changing of the seasons, a prehistoric watch similar to the first computers. Why the need to exist in time? We are time in the knowing of time but only exist for God. The cyclical spinning of the planets for billions of years will continue to an end while human beings exist in a non existence of time. To be is an existence but time has no existence. We exist for time and God to not exist for space.